Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Due to an error on my part (aka a rotting, disgusting, melting cantlope hidden in a bag that leaked onto our carpet...bleh!) we had to rent a Rug Doctor. How very suburban. We lugged the machine home, and cleaned our carpets. Now....we are clean peeps. So, can someone please tell me how it's possible to have pitch black water spilling out of the used water tank?? We ran through 4 tanks...all pitch black. I need a cruddy, juice-spilling-potatoe chip-crushing kid to blame things on. Perhaps it was our obese and furry friend, Dobbie?? I like that theory, so I'm sticking to it.


Bleh again!

The likely culprit:


Jen Mo said...

judging by that last post with your crazy hair, i'm guessing it's from you, your greasy hair and all the products you use to cover up your gross disfigurements. dobbie is the least of your problems, my friend!

stacycaye said...

This why I HATE carpet, and despise the fact we went from NO carpet at our last house to almost all in our new home. It holds on to dirt and dust like no other. You never know just how dirty your house is...and to think people lay around on carpet. EWWWWWwwwwww! I can't wait til we have the money to replace our current floors...Ick.

Tiffany said...

I don't want to know what is in our carpet. Maybe we will switch to hardwood floors.