Sunday, June 29, 2008


On my way to wedding reception yesterday, I was walking up the stairs with a ginormous laundry basket filled with fruit. I noticed with each step that the basket felt heavier, and my arms felt weakened. In my sickly state, my arms kinda gave out, my legs kinda gave out, and I kinda went flying forward onto the pavement. Strawberries went-a-flying, and my knee went-a-skinning. I haven't had a skinned knee since I was, like, 5. I looked around, almost crying, hoping my mom would jump out of the bushes with my Cabbage Patch Kid Becky Sue, a Rainbow Bright Band-Aid and a bottle of Bactine spray to make it all better. Sadly, she did not, but the nice helpers in the kitchen ran out to assist me. I was left to clean my own skinned knee in the bathroom by myself. Can you believe the audacity of my mother to not show up? She may as well be Candy Spelling in my book!