Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Team Lauren

I know The Hills is super-fake, super-stupid, and super-embarrassing...yet, I still love it. Season 4 is just around the corner, babies.

Brody goes to jail? She-Pratt steals Lauren's man? Whitney finds a gent?? Speidi continues to make us puke?? The first 3 are a surprise.

You know where I will be on August 18th. Let the countdown begin. Who's in for a little Hills Premiere Par-tay?? We'll be sure to serve Speidi Sandwiches and Justin Bobby Juice.


clooneymom said...

What would Speidi sandwiches be like? Any thoughts? I wish I could be there to partake in The Hills cheesiness

The Mostess said...

Well, they will be very cheesy and indice vomiting...like their namesake.

stacycaye said...

why oh why do i like this awful show? I wish i could be there to celebrate the season opener with you!!