Wednesday, July 16, 2008

No Matt Foley Here

When people read about our plans to buy a modified van (actually a "class b" motorhome...) and take road trips, I got some fairly strong responses, which makes me wonder if my friends and family secretly think I'm high maintenance. Per Foley, I don't want to *live* in a van down by the river. I just want a rolling home that makes traveling/camping/road-tripping/hanging-at- the-beach a little more convenient and cheap. Why does no one believe I would be excited about this?? Talk amongst yourselves.


Alie said...

I think it's a great idea! I secretly want to buy one myself!! I think it is so convenient and fun.

stacycaye said...

okay, but what about Chris Foley? Because that would be the quote reference. Comic genius' deserve far better than that my dear! And you are, okay WERE, high maintenance, and I never kept that thought secret...Miss "I check my lipstick in the reflection of a knife":)

The Mostess said...

That's still a great trick for scoping out tooth gunk, BTW.

stacycaye said...

lol...i just realized that I am a moron...chris farley/matt foley....ha ha ha...i'm a lamewad! comic genius' do deserve better than my punk ass! that the knife still comes in handy!