Tuesday, July 15, 2008

No Contest

My nameless friend Hayley seems to think that Lame-o David Archa-Boring is a better draw than my boyfriend, Hot Donnie Wahlberg. She "recalled" the conversation on her blog, but it actually went more like this:

Hayley: I went to the Idols Concert, and it was sooooo fun!

Me: Was that a real statement?

Hayley: Yes! And it was waaaaay fun!

Me: Was that a real statement, too?

Hayley: Yes! You should have gone. It was suuuuper fun!

Me: Yeah, if I were 12, that would be fab. Note: I didn't actually say this, but I certainly thought it.

Look at the facts:

Donnie: Hot.

David Archa-Boring: Not.

Donnie: Quadrillion hit records.

David Archa-Boring: A few bad renditions of other people's songs.

Donnie: Sold out stadiums.

David Archa-Boring: Coming soon to a rest home near Hayley.

Donnie: Legend.

David Archa-Boring: Passing phase.


Hayley said...

You wait...Lil' Davey will be a bigger star than your boy toy any day now. And judging by the looks of the pic you posted, my description of your old school boy band, I believe I said, "washed up greaser" is quite accurate.

teuscher travels said...

Um, that pic does nothing for our NKOTB case - he looks grody!! Although the pic on Ms Atwoods blog of David makes him look 2 which is kinda creepy.
I believe the part where Ms Atwood declared that if only she was 12 all other girls should watch out was forgotten? I couldnt stop laughing cause it seriously went that way!!
I am on the NKOTB side for sure, you have to go see the group that backed you up while dancing with a puffy painted shirt, a rockin side ponytail and hot pink leggings in front of the whole 5th grade - hot!

stacycaye said...

Bad boys are H.O.T. HOT! I don't even know who borey mcborerton is! I will, however, NEVER spend another dime on NKOTB in this lifetime.

The Mostess said...

Stacy Caye...you are a traitor and a fair-weather fan! May NKOTB have better fans in IA. You sucketh.