Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Husbie and I live on a street with a 2-way stop. This seems to confuse everyone *not* living on our street. As we approach and slow down to turn, the people at the stop signs gun it, assuming it's a 4-way stop, and we are slowing down to turn. We barely miss getting t-boned several times a week. We are also barraged with yelling, gesturing, and ill-mannered behavior of all sorts from the right-of-way thieves.

I decided enough was enough, and I emailed 'Mr. Roadshow' our local roads/traffic guy in the Bay Area. I explained our predicament, and asked how we could obtain a sign for the stop signs stating that cross-traffic doesn't need to stop. I awoke to this:

"I am looking into it"

Gary Richards
San Jose Mercury News
Direct line: (408) 920-5037
Roadshow line: (408) 920-5335

Sweet! The only t-bones I want to be subjected to are broiled medium-rare and nestled next to a spud in a spiffy brown jacket.

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