Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My Fitness Challenge

A few months ago, when I was working out and wasn't chubby, I decided to do a funny challenge. I would start with 15 wussy, girl-type push-ups and sit-ups, and add 5 repetitions each day. I'm trying to decide if the gradual increase will:

1. Work, because I'm slowly building up endurance, and I can easily handle 5 more a day

2. Not work, because I will max out at some horrible number, like 50, because it's just too hard, and the gradual increase was no match for a high number.

I'm kicking my little experiment into high gear again as part of my "de-chubbing"...see below for deets on that bit. I shall let you know if it's #1 or #2.


Ashley said...

I so need to dechub but I can't find any will. Even my 10 year reunion in two weeks hasn't fazed me. (I am sitting here enjoying a diet coke and oreos for breakfast as I type.) Good luck in your quest. It's so hard but so fun to be motivated.

Another thing that's hard: push-ups.

Lance said...

We'll take the de-chub train to fit-ville, but I fear it does not make frequent stops at 31 Flavors or the cinnamon dept at Whole Foods!

stacycaye said...

I'm trapped in chubville right now! Funny how summer makes me lazier than ever. BUT we have space for a workout room in the new house and my mom is giving us her gym style elliptical. It is top notch and I'm pumped! I'll be joining you after the weekend if we get it over here by then. I will however, not be cutting out snacks.

BTW, you say deets?? I say deets all the time but have no clue why. Weird!

stacycaye said...

Got the elliptical and have worked out 3 days this week. I always feel chubbier when I start working out again. It seems to draw attention to my total lack of muscle tone and increased amounts cottage cheese! How's your de-chubbing going?

The Mostess said...

Not very well...I ended up having to do a road trip, and I fear I am chubbier than ever. I may buy a pilates machine I have been eyeing for some time...will keep you posted!

Ashley Tudor said...

Nice going lady! I'm proud of you for getting in gear.

Here's a little unsolicited advice and a word to the wise about max sets with exercises. Remember, muscles needs breaks too, so as you get up into higher digits that you can't do all at once, try breaking your pushups and other exercises up into sets and circuits. You'll get more bang for your buck.

Instead of 75 push up and sit ups, try doing 25 push ups and 25 sit ups x 3. It is much more manageable.

This will allow your muscles a break between each set and allow you to do a greater number overall. Plus it is more fun then slogging through 50+ pushups.

Finally, remember to switch it up. Muscles are like people if you do the same thing for too long they get board and stop progressing. So instead of doing just girl push ups try to do plank for a time intervals or boy pushups. You can max out and then switch to girl push ups to finish your sets. This way your arms abs and everything will continue get stronger and leaner!