Monday, January 12, 2009

Drivin' a Hard Bargain

I can negotiate fine, but there are instances when I won't do it. For instance, when I got the NKOTB tickets off CL, I knew they were great seats at a great (discounted) price. I also knew they would be in high demand, so I paid what she was asking without asking for money off. I was NOT going to miss seeing my husband Donnie Wahlberg. On the other hand, I bought a pilates machine off CL last week. It was priced so-so, and there were a ton listed. I asked for $20 off, and easily got it.

Inspired by my healthy dedication, Husbie decided to pick up a weight bench. I found a nice, clean, solid, brand-new one on CL for $45. It also came with dumbbells and 2 sets of handheld weights. All of the other ones were flimsy, dirty, old, and generally crappy. Plus, they were at least $100 each. Based on this, I recommended not asking for money off, but Husbie insisted that you should always try.

He tried. He asked if the guy could do any better than $45, and the guy said "Yes, I could do better. I could easily get $60." Well said old weight bench man, well said. No deal.

Do you always try and negotiate, or decide to do so on a case-by-case basis like me?

Also--off the subject--but do you order a pizza by the inches, or by the size? For instance, if ordering a pizza, would you demand to know the inch size of the pan, or just the regular size, like 'personal' or 'small.' Methinks I am going to win this one.


Hayley said...

case by case for moi.

tat on the other hand informed me the other day i should start negotiating at the grocery store. "i read an article on it," he says, "and often times they get so annoyed they'll give in to the negotiation."

i'm not surprised. the man counts beans for a living.

Lance said...

Why do such obvious questions need their own post?

The Mostess said...

WHATEVS Mr. "order me the 4 inch pizza"

Oh, you mean the personal pizza?

No, the 4 inch pizza.


The Mostess said...

Awwww...I just heard you talking to Dobbie, and you asked if his day was 'Dog-er-ific.' You're forgiven. :)

Kristine Gray said...

Case by case basis for me. I negotiated my brand new, never been opened Medela breast pump down $40 but just paid the price they were asking for my Jane Power Twin Stroller. It depends on my mood and check book.

Oh, and definitely order pizza by size. Do they even list them by inches anymore?

Dog-er-ific? That is toooo cute. I want a dog :-(

teuscher travels said...

Case by Case....I end up feeling rude if it is honestly a good deal and I am trying to undercut - also I am afraid of losing it! What would have happened had you lost the chance to show Donnie how hot you are???? I think my husband would disagree and say to always negotiate.
As for the pizza I am also with you and order by the size name. It is a struggle enough to make sure the order is right!

brooke said...

I generally feel cheap negotiating. I only do it when I really feel like it is warranted. If I'm already getting a deal I feel nervous that the other person is going to catch on to what a deal it is so I just hurry and give them my money and get out of there. Too bad about your hubby's weight bench--he got greedy. I always order large pizzas and never think about the inches--I'm probably getting taken.

The Mostess said...

He did get greedy--but the guy still sold it to him for $45. He just wanted to teach Lance a lesson.