Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lover or a Fighter?

I just unearthed this class photo from 5th grade. It was 1986, the year Lance graduated from high school. Let's just say the fact that we have an 8 year age difference isn't the only reason we wouldn't have worked out back in the day. That's me in the lower right hand corner, BTW. Click on the picture--it enlarges! I think I actually saw him shiver when he checked out my picture. Heinous hair? Check. Bucky teeth? Check. Geometric shirt topped off with an Esprit sweatshirt? Check. A dash of flair with the alligator pin? Sadly, check.

The most curious thing about it, however, was the missing student I cut out. I obviously *loved* Chad, because I went to great lengths to show how much I hated him by poking his eyes out with a pin and scratching his shirt. I think the scratch on the girl's face was a fluke. But why (and who??) is the missing student?

Friends guessed it was a mortal enemy (of the 5th grade variety) or a true love (also of the 5th grade variety). A classmate wrote to tell me that it was this one kid I barely remember...neither friend nor foe. So why is he missing? No clue. I'm thinking that secret died with our school, which was sadly demolished several years back to make way for a newer, updated school. I think that's where it best belongs. If only the pictures of my hairdo could be so lucky.


Kristine Gray said...

That Chad is a cutie. And Tracie Knapp's tie is so '80's stylin.

Ashley said...

I was also going to say at least you weren't wearing a tie. Poor Tracie.

Funny that you don't remember why you cut that guy out. I cut a kid out of my 5th grade picture but I distinctly remember who it was and why--had to use it in a club formed around liking him.

The 80s were good times.

Hayley said...


did you have to make a trip to the principal's office for showing off your midriff?

you look hot.

brooke said...

5th grade was an awkward time for all of us. My picture is SCARY. Let's just say that at one point I had a tail--yes--short hair with a tail--remember those? I still blame my mother to this day. I'm glad to hear red mango is delish. I'm going to try it.

The Mostess said...
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The Mostess said...

Ms. Bird,

Sadly, the shirt was just small and ill-fitting, not a show of solidarity with Britney. No summons to the ol' Principals office.

Lindsey said...

were those scratch marks i spotted on old mr. john focht's picture???

unintentional i am sure!