Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I put up with a lot from my food. Yes, it fills me up, but it also makes me work out, and on occasion, it makes me sick. One thing I will *not* tolerate from my food is seduction. Have you seen that lame Tropicana commercial where they attempt to sexy-up their raspberry juice? The soft jazz, the slo-mo splashing juice that folds back in upon itself (meow!!), the gravelly-voiced announcer listing the sexy merits of the beverage. Enough! I don't need sexy fruit drinks, and I don't need your sexy-creepy commercials, Mr. Tropicana.


clooneymom said...

The one with the "Valen...ciii.ahhhhhhhh" oranges is the one that gets to me - I have already bought 8 jars of the stinkin juice ;-)

The Mostess said...

Now I see who their target audience is...