Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nate the Great

As many of you may know, I funded my obscenely expensive private schooling by studying hard, working even harder, and by playing Mary Poppins to 3 wonderful children for many, many years. It has come to my attention that one of them has *finally* surpassed me in coolness, which isn't easy to do. Here is a timeline of how this happened:

1. I arrive in Portola Valley as a corn-fed Iowan girl. I meet the kiddio's...Miranda, Nathan and Hillary Ford.
2. The children immediately love and adore me. We become pseudo-siblings 4 life.
3. Nate starts playing every sport known to man.
4. I sneak the kids Mcd's (which we jokingly referred to as 'healthy turkey sandwiches') and let them watch TV (against the parents orders...sorry!) when they had certifiable illnesses, like chicken pox. Less certifiable ilnesses, like headaches or upset tummy's (minus certifiable barf) landed them in bed all day to ready books.
5. Nate and I wrestle...and he beats me. I decide we can no longer wrestle.
6. Nate starts to accel at baseball and football.
7. The kids continue to grow up...and I graduate from USF and run off with Lancer into the sunset.
8. I get to come back and escort him to his Senior Prom Parties...I take a million pictures, like an annoying older sister would.
9. Nate gets accepted to Cornell, and is the QB.
10. Nate gets a shout-out from Dwight on the Office. It is at this moment that he becomes cooler than me. Watch below--start watching around 3:50 so it makes sense:


And, just for the record, he will always be Newtie, little bro, to me. Now I have to figure out how to get a name check on Gossip Girl so I am in the lead on coolness again. Any suggestions on how to make that happen???


The Bean Counter said...

that is pretty awesome. the big question, however, is...are you now addicted to the office for life? you can join my cult if you check yes.

The Bean Counter said...

ps- this is hay signed in under tat

stacycaye said...

OMGosh..this is hilarious and I love it! I love Jim...dressed as "Dave" and Pam "I can't even take off the hat...because then I'm hitler!" Awesome.

The Mostess said...

I know...hysterical!! She did have quite the Hitler/Charlie Chaplin costume.