Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Dear Santa...No Britney

I'm really trying to avoid a repeat of the humiliation that came with not assembling my Halloween Village this year. I got busy, I was a little lazy, and I just couldn't get the stupid thing up. I really don't want the same thing to happen with my Christmas Village. The bad part is, I'm already feeling a little busy and lotta lazy...but I do have a few weeks left to get it done.

I'm thinking that some good old fashioned Christmas music is exactly what I need, but the compilation albums are the WORST! Do you have a mix that you love? I'm all too willing to buy it on Itunes if you do.

Songs I will shell out duckets for:
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Silent Night
Oh Holy Night
It Came Upon a Midnight Clear
First Noel
White Christmas
Winter Wonderland
Sleigh Ride
Let it Snow
The Most Wonderful Time of The Year
All I want for Christmas--Mariah--it's the best!
Holly Jolly Christmas
Rockin Around the Christmas tree
Jingle Bell Rock (Mean Girls anyone?? Insert butt slap here!!)
Little Drummer Boy
Jingle Bells
Last Christmas by Wham--my year-round ring tone!
Baby It's Cold Outside

Songs/Singers I DO NOT WANT:
Britney Spears
Michael 'Gag Me' Bolton
Gloria Estefan
Country Singers
Luther Vandross
My Grown Up Christmas Wish
Celine Dion
Wonderful Christmastime
Do They Know it's Christmas?" Don't know, Don't care.
Santa Baby, esp the one by Madonna
Grandma Got Runned Over by a Reindeer--I once dated someone who touted this as his "fave Christmas song ever." We broke up.
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus

What are your fave holiday songs? Which one make you want to barf? Do you have a mix you love?


Lindsey said...

oh, christmas music has been a'playin at the kearl house lately! Each year we get on itunes and invest in a little more christmas music. last year we bought "The Nativity Story" on itunes, i really love it. it has all your "spiritual" christmas songs. you can check it out and see if you feel the same way. i also bought a couple barenaked ladies songs that i actually like. Lastly, I bought a jazzy type christmas cd, can't remember wo, but I'll look. I like it, just cn't handle it for extended periods of time, but there is a time and a place for it! There you have my musical library for christmas.

Ashley said...

The only thing we don't see eye to eye on is "Wonderful Christmastime." It is the sound of happy shopping at a festive mall to me--a very good thing. I love "Last Christmas." I have A Savage Garden version of it that mixes in "guilty feet have got no rhythm." I don't know if that is blasphemy to you or pure genius. But I don't see how you could like "All I Want for Christmas is You" and not this song.

Hayley said...

homegirl, it's not a butt slap in reference to the mean girls jingle bell's a double thigh slap. gosh...get it right.

Kyle and Melanie said...

Kaari, I am seriously disappointed that you don't like Celine Dion Christmas songs. :) I admit, they are some of my faves. I pretty much agree with the rest of your list. Christmas music is the best!

Chris said...

One of my all-time favorite versions of Little Drummer Boy is by Low, notwithstanding the fact it was used in a Gap ad. Check out the sample on iTunes.

Life's a Dance said...

Hehe - this post made me laugh! I totally agree with you. Give me some good Christmas music - not just the stuff they remix every year on the radio.

Our tradition is a family dance - couples, big kids, little kids, everyone - to Mariah Carey's All I want for Christmas - it starts the holidays off right!

Also love Handel's Messiah.