Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I See a Pattern

Lady Justice has, once again, requested that I check back with her tomorrow between 12 and 1 regarding my jury duty status. I have a feeling that she's just going to tell me to sit on it until 5 pm, and which point she will make me check back twice on Friday (between 12 and 1, and then again after 5) before dismissing me for another 31 years. One a high note, I suppose it's good that other citizens are doing their civic duties, and that crime is seemingly low. So why do I feel so sad?


Alie said...

You should feel excited to be called to jury duty!! Just kidding. If you knew a DA, you would get out of it faster!!! Too bad I don't work there anymore...

Becky said...

I have to admit that I went through the exact same thing last summer. I was just strung along, and when I figured out that there was really no way that I was getting called in, I too was a bit disappointed. Not that I really WANTED to serve an a jury - but it would have been interesting...

Maybe next time?