Monday, April 28, 2008

Besides the Great Robbery of '08...

The cruise was amazing. I have to say, I sort of have a bad attitude. For the most part, I think I'm either "too cool for school" about things and refuse to join in, or I think they're cheesy, and thus, refuse to participate. But once I was trapped on that tiny, cruising vessel of fun...I became Kaari-the-Joiner. I danced, I sang, I clapped, I played games, I laughed, and I even macarenna'd. Yep, it's 2008, and I wowed the dining hall (in my own mind at the very least)with my knowledge and remembrance of all of the fine Macarenna moves. We let loose, probably because we knew we would never see anyone ever again. We had so much fun. Here are some of our highlights:

Getting on the Ship:

Emergency Drill:

The Main Lobby of the Ship:

No better view in the world at that moment:

Dinnertime in the Main Dining Room--this was the "fancy" dress-up night. Note: Lance's faux-hawk. Hawt. He sported this fine do the entire trip. Why? Because he can.

It's a little dark, but you can see Lance busting out his best Elvis moves. He didn't make the show, either. In his case, though, the Elvis that beat him out was a great singer, though he stole all of his moves from Lance's earlier performance. ;)

Go-Karting in the desert:

Lance's encounter with an iguana:

And, last but certainly not least, my favorite towel animal. Behold--the elephant!