I'm kinda a sucker for infomercials. It started in my youth. I accidentally-on-purpose set up a QVC charge account, and ordered a ruby ring. In my defense, I wore said ring all through Junior High and High School. It even snuck its way into my senior pics. (pics not available due to bad mid-90's fashion). After the QVC incident, I became convinced that I needed one of those sandwich makers. You know, the ones where you put "ordinary sandwich bread" into the machine, spoon in some apple pie filling from a can, and after 4 minutes in the machine, you will have AN AMAZING HOMEMADE APPLE PIE!!! When people yell at me, especially with accents, I really want their product. Do not even get me started on the Magic Bullet.
I realized that my childhood ploys won't work on Lance. To get infomercial crap now, I have to get him on board. Sooooo...I casually mentioned that I was jonesing to try those Kinoki toxin-removing foot pads. Lance jumped on the Kinoki wagon, and we ordered them. Our little Japanese patches arrived today. We're going to use them tonight. I'll post my nasty, toxin-filled, crusty patches on my blog tomorrow to show you that they worked. I CAN HARDLY WAIT TO CHANGE MY LIFE WITH THIS INCREDIBLE PRODUCT!!
Okay, so I have to tell you...I LOVE my Vidalia Chop Wizard. I originally saw it as an infomercial, but now they sell them at Target. You just reminded my how swayed I get sometimes...especially with all the excersice equipment...and magic chopping devices. :)
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