What do you get when you combine America's favorite dog....

...and space-age technology??

Why, you get a Lil' Satellite Head!!! Poor Dogface. He got an infected callus on his elbow, and had to have surgery. Since he's unreliable and
eats everything he can get his fat little paws on, they had to give him the ol' doggie halo.

See how happy he is?? NOT. Now I know where they get the term puppy-dog eyes. I feel bad for Baby. His halo is so wide, and our halls so narrow--he crashes into walls, chairs, and us. I took him for a walk the other night, and he bonked into trees, signs, and cars. It was a sad sight.

Here's wishing Dogface a speedy recovery--may his next halo-filled days be filled with belly rubs and nummy bones to get him through the weekend.
Those eyes just get to me! How do you stand it?! Poor, poor pupster.
That is sad! But it's almost like he's partying with a lampshade on his head--which goes along perfectly with the Mostess right? Anyone? Bueller?
Really though, that thing looks like it bites and I hope he gets it off soon!
Feel better Logie!
Oh, so sad! I always feel for those dogs with the megaphone heads. And those eyes. Nice photo!
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