Saturday, September 5, 2009

Introducing the Latest Addition to Team Jacobs

It's Snowball, our new accidental cat!!

We sorta led him on, and now Mr. Pus in Boots thinks we're her (his????) parents. Snowball started showing up a few weeks ago. At first, I let Gogie chase and scare her off. Then she came around more, and we noticed how hungry and sad she was was. We felt bad, so we busted out some milk and tuna.

Snowball is very friendly, and loves to be scratched and rubbed. If she were better fed, I would think she was a beloved family pet. Snowball especially loves Lance. Poor Snowball would probably cry in her milk if she knew that he ran off to wash his hands after petting her.

Now we openly play with Snowball. I knew Snowball was officially "in" when Gogie tore after her on the way home from a walk tonight and Lance yelled "Logan--NO!! Get away from Snowball right now!!"

Snowball is currently outside my front door, but she was eyeing my warm and cozy house. I just peeked out the blinds and Snowball is diligently waiting outside for more pets and food. What have we done??

Does anyone want our new cat Snowball?? I don't think Dobster is havin' it.


Kristine Gray said...

Congrats on your new addition. I think she'll stick around if she's getting tuna and milk. Maybe she's mooching off more than one family in the neighborhood. And you never know, Gogie might like the company out there in the back yard.

Who named her Snowball?

Lance said...

I can tell you really just wanted keep saying Snowball. I don't blame you. Snowball is a fine addition to the house. Let's hope we don't need to clean up with a flea bomb.

The Mostess said...

I named him Snowball, and Lancer scoffed. When pressed, he couldn't come up with a better offering, so Snowball it is.

Just like the other night when he complained about my meatloaf, but couldn't suggest anything better. He then saw my anger, and quickly stated that the glaze intrinsically changed the taste of the meatloaf, and it now sounded delish. Clearly, he was just hungry.

Lindsey said...

if ava only new there was a cat up for grabs she die. i don't think i'll be telling her such things.

brooke said...

I'm not a cat person...And I think yours might be an albino cat--scary. You are a good person.

Ashley said...

How exactly did you know Snowball was sad?

This story reminds me of Tyler's parents. One of their neighbor's cats lingered around so they started putting food out. Like with you, one thing led to another, and now Smokey lives inside their house. They full out stole someone's cat. I'm not saying you are stealing a cat, I'm just saying . . . I'm just saying I'm on dog face's side here. But if Snowball is permanent, Welcome Snowball!!!

Lance said...

Haven't seen Snowball for a few days now. I'm starting to think he might just be a no good moocher. Or maybe he just is into open relationships.

The Mostess said...

Snowball is a mooching traitor. A real Benedict Arnold, I tell ya!

The Mostess said...

I know it was sad b/c it was all meowy and crying out for attention.

That was back when he was still my cat, though. Like 3 days ago. Now he's dead to me.

Hayley said...

i will feed & walk & love & take dobbie as my own if anything should ever happen to you & lance, but i will not be caring that deeply for snowball.

The Mostess said...

Snowball came back tonight!! I love her again.