Easy Rider and I are having a bit of a disagreement. Please cast your vote and let us know which one wins this round.
Lance seems to think this is a good looking jacket:

But, I think it looks a little Vanilla Ice. You feel me?

Red, black, and white just seems to 80's to me. Lancer says he trusts my taste, but I can't tell if I'm on the right track with this one.
Please weigh in. Word to your Mutha.
I like it bc it is visible and should decrease chances of dying on said motorcycle. I dont love the style and now that you mention it does look a little 80s .... but I am not known for my taste in fashion. Both you and Lancer are always very well dressed so I am sure the outcome will be good. I always thought straight black is hot, but is a little cliche and maybe not for racing.
Um, I actually like it but I always loved the 80s so I'm not helping your cause.
I'm thinking it looks more like a power ranger than vanilla ice:
In an effort to offer a second choice, I googled a 'motorcycle jackets' and was surprised by the suggested search for a 'mesh motorcycle jacket' ummm, really?
V-ice and Powerrangers? How can you go wrong!
@lance, you going to go for the fade haircut too??
I dated a guy with a fade..in 1995. Shudder.
Wait--did I mention he was white? Double shudder.
i love that the first comment about this post is from heather & her safety thinking cap.
the jacket reminds me of the 17th street bullet bikers that would cruise the "main strip" of idaho falls when i was a youth. wow- now those were some cool gents. they are actually probably out there as we speak. but maybe they were just ahead of the times? maybe lance knows what he's talking about? & even better, maybe heather knows what she's talking about? :)
I agree, a little too Power Ranger!
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