Wednesday, October 21, 2009

If I had time to post, I would

But I don't, so this is what you get. Please forgive me. It's been party central here for the last 2 weeks, and I have two more back to back parties this weekend. What was I thinking?

This party girl is quickly turning into a party pooper from sheer exhaustion.

PS..will anyone really be disappointed and/or angry if Spooky Village doesn't appear by Friday? It's still in the shed and I need sleep.


brooke said...

I've wondered where you've been. There really is such a thing as too many parties!

teuscher travels said...

My vote is the village stays in the shed - it will be even more exciting when you bring it out next year! Also a) you will have to take it down in a few weeks and b) your front yard totally rocks so they average out and you have awesome halloween decor! Go take a nap:)