Overheard in the bathroom today
Grandma: Wash your hands--you don't want to get swine flu!
Kid: I just did!
Grandma: No, you didn't wash them long enough. They said on the news you have to sing "happy birthday" while you wash them.
Kid-sticking hands under faucet: Happy Birthday! (Bonus points for the kid--technically, he did what G-Ma asked)
Grandma: No, you have to sing the whole song from start to finish. Stick your hands under the water and get more soap. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Ryan, happy birthday to you!
Kid/Ryan: It's my birthday??
Grandma: No.
Kid/Ryan-now crying: You just said it was my birthday! WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
Grandma: No, it's just to time the hand-washing. It's not your birthday! Your brithday isn't until next June.
Kid/Ryan: But you said it was!! WAHHHHHHH! I want presents!! WAHHHHHHHHHH.
That's what you get for listening to the evening news and their "super helpful" tips on swine-flu avoidance, folks.
P.S. Happy birthday Ryan! you know, in June. Sucks to be you!
Poor kid. I was shocked to hear Scotty say in his prayer last night, "bless us to stay healthy and not get swine flu." I almost started laughing in the middle of the prayer! My niece has it right now so he's been hearing about it.
That is hilarious. My son (whose birthday is in also in June) is already talking about what kind of party he wants. I will definately not be bringing up the hand-washing to Happy Birthday thing. I'm just happy if he uses soap.
That is just awesome.
Love it!!!!!
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