My creepy (in a good way) friend April and I had so much fun at our joint birthday party back in April that we decided to co-host another party--our annual Halloween bash!
Have you ever tried to entertain 65 people? It takes a lot of decorating and work. Here are my homemade meatballs getting ready for the oven.

Here's the base for my tomato bisque

And poor Dobbie's worst nightmare...the halo is back on. He got an infected bite near his business, and had been licking it like crazy. I came home from an appointment and knew something was immediately up when Lance and Dogface were both gone. I hightailed it over to the vet, where a very surprised Lancer was weirded out to see me. Mamma's instincts don't just work with kids with 2 legs, ya know. Lance could *never* ever have an affair. I would know in 2 seconds--not that he would try, just sayin. I have good instincts--maybe I should be a PI!

And I was sooooo tired. I threatened to not do the village-I really wasn't going to. At midnight, the night before the party, I freaked out and pulled out a few pieces. Nothing like in the years past--like Diet Village.

April's creative and talented bro Brian helped us with the theme and invite--this year we went with "Nightmare on Golden State Street." AKA you're worst nightmare. Bring on the creative costumes!

It started out with another grody cake. It was an anatomically correct torso, which meant the heart was red jello and weeped when it was cut.

Our yard

The barfing pumpkin dip

Poltergeist kid, arachnaphobe, and a dead Alice.

Looksi who showed up in my mirror--Eddie!! He can't wait to see me on November 20th.

Ghastly duo...

Banana...accompanied by a hungry monkey.

Mom jeans and a teenage boyfriend.

Oh, poor Sharla. New Moon was canceled. This is a close second for my worst nightmare.

Party People

Man with a nasty bug...

Sarah, being her parents' worst nightmare. PS--this is the magical German Girl dress I wore right before Lancer proposed!

Unwelcome guest...

And then on to my costume. Check out the pants--I went as a crazed NKOTB fan....

...with a restraining order from Donnie. MY WORST NIGHTMARE. And, just for the record, these are NOT real pants.
Pete and Julie--I accidentally touched his worst nightmare--blech.

Spencer Pratt, donning a creepy blond beard, Googling himself. Sadly, Heidi was AWOL. I suspect when we see her next, she will have a new rack.

Electrocution victim. From the rumors, though, I hear she's prone to burning things down with dutch ovens. Believe what you will.

Lance as King Tut, cursed boy ruler who died at a young age. He's commanding his minions to build a pyramid for him.

The cursed and restrained couple...worst nightmares come true.

Jon and Kate...and Kate. Love the do, ladies.

2 Jons, 2 Kates. Nothing but trouble. Do the right thing and return the money, Jon.

Goblin and creepy clown

The Terminator and a mauled jogger

That's all folks! Can't wait for next year!
I love it! I love that I can't figure out which costume/ nightmare was best. And the FOOD!! I'm totally gonna copy that barfing pumpkin and I would copy the bleeding heart cake if I knew how! You are really the mostess! Happy halloween!
You did it again Mostess! Great time had by all. Thanks for letting us share your fun. I'm off to start planning for the cookie exchange.
so much fun! you know i have been craving that caramel apple since gilroy gardens several months ago...& it exceeded my expectations.
Thanks for the fun!
It looks amazing. April's cakes are ridiculously cool. And I love the barfing pumpkin. Your guests have seem creeptastic costumes. I love yours and Sharla's and the hairy back. Hilarious.
THAT IS AWESOME! Way to go Party Planner. Rest a couple of days, and keep on going! You are so good at it:) I'm sad we missed. Now, I'm thinking of next years costume!!!
A festive time was had by all!
Let the record state that Kyle was the one that 'slightly' burned a little black spot on the patio...NOT me. :) As always, your party was a blast. Thanks for putting it on. You guys are the best.
I agree with Toria--you ARE the mostess--did you know that Toria and I met in Jerusalem during a study abroad about 12 years ago! Are we old or what? She is awesome.
I loved the hairy back guy and the mom jeans.
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