Sunday, October 12, 2008

Time to Upgrade

I'm a big fan of the upgrade. When we got married 5 1/2 years ago, we unwittingly registered for a bunch of lame stuff because we didn't know better. Half a decade later, we just started realizing this. We had the worst spice rack, complete with dried out spices we had to hack at with a knife, before we upgraded to the sweet Dean and Deluca rack. Then we looked around, and realized the rest of our kitchen could use a serious upgrade.

We just got a set of copper-core stainless steel pans, and are now setting our Teflon Calphalon pans out to pasture. It was a good run, but I'm excited to sear a delicious steak in my new silver baby.

Out with the old....
In with the new!
I also got the Le Creuset oval baker I've had my eye on for years--it's fire-engine red, and ready for stew and chili. I'm going to bust out both this week to see if it lives up to the hype, though I'm sure it will. There's just something appealing about cooking a hearty meal in a cast-iron pot over slow heat for hours. Mmmm.

All tucked away in their new home:

Let us know if you know anyone who could use our Calphalon set. They're still really nice, and will head out to Goodwill if there are no takers.


Angela said...

Nice choice on the cookware! I agree it is time for me to get a new set. Perhaps I need to hurry and do it before the economy flops and we have to actually cook on my pans the rest of my life.

Lance said...

It was an investment: Upgrade = more home cookin' for moi!

Hayley said...

nice choice ms. fancy pants. i expect many tasty dishes in the near future :)

stacycaye said...

Wowsa...we still have some Walmart brand crapola cookware. I guess when the only thing you cook is Zatarrans, Mac and cheese, or grilled cheese....well, quality cookware is just not a priority:)