Sunday, October 26, 2008

Dead Man's Party

We threw a Dead Man's Party on Friday night, and dug up some seriously spooky dead-o's. You could be creepy, ghouly & freaky...or just a well-known dead-o. Here are some of our dreadfully deceased revelers:

Poor scheming Anne with her head! And Elvis, well, he has truly left the building. For good.


Going in for a snack...then the crazy German in the middle screamed in my ear. I am now deaf.

With our fave dead prom Queen:

Hungry zombies:
Team Feriante:

J. Howard Marshall, Miss Anna Nicole, and Sugar Pie, the precious little dog. This party of three is dreadfully expired:

Ashley's date goes in for the kill...

But Prom King Joe finally finished her off. RIP Ash:

Prom is rife with problems. The Queen flirted with the Quarterback, and ended up being strangled. The King, drunk with grief and booze, crashed his car. Oops.

Jo-Jo's nasty neck marks:

Dead Minnie and Miss Juliet. Oh, Juliet...parting is such sweet sorrow:

Deadie and his ghoul-friend. She looks a little like Angelina, yes?? When she won the Oscar for Girl Interrupted, and then made out with her brother. That's a truly scary thought.

Hostess and Host...dead and ready to party:

Historical dead-os. President Lincoln and his lady...Babe-Raham-Lincoln. Nice pun/shout-out to Wayne and Garth:

Awww...poor tourists with their overturned boat. So sad:

Amy goes in for a bite:
Dead and undead:
Kristen...back from the UN-happiest place on Earth:

Vampire and his 2 black cats. There's some double-bad luck:

Miss Cleopatra and Ceasar:

A rival Ceasar...and his dead letter:

The Deadest Hostess with the Mostess:

Pocahantas and Captain John Smith:

The dreadfully delightful Candy Apple Bar:

The Spooky Spread:
Haha..this is the weirdest sign. I had to have it when I saw it:

Alfred Hitchcock, anyone?

My Ghoul...
Spooky skull greets out guests:

Thanks to all for their deadly attire. That was certainly a **killer** party.


stacycaye said...

YOu guys went all out! Looks super fun!

Hayley said...

the pic of hostess with the mostess is quite freakish. fun times! thanks for yet another great party!

Ashley said...

I just wrote a long and complimentary comment. It failed to post and now I'm beat down. The party was fabulous. I'll put the rest in a memo.

Lance said...

It was a great time even if Spirit screwed up our costumes!

The Mostess said...

No kidding. Refunds are in order!!