As you well know, we threw a killa Halloween party last Friday. What you didn't know is that our pricey, matchy costumes were total freakin' booty. We had stopped into the Spirit store a few weeks before, and were excited to bust them out and shame people who had on lame costumes.
An hour before the party, I pulled them out. My "costume" was a stupid mish-mash of ugly junk...some semblance of a scary dress, some weird capelet, 1 glove, some weird lace garter, and no hat. Lance's was *way* better though...his dapper ghost costume was also some semblance of a scary dress. Oh, and a silver top-hat. WTH??
What he bought:
Lancer: Yeah. I need to return these costumes.
Spirit Man: Sorry, we have a no return policy.
Lancer: Riiiigt. That's not going to work for me.
Spirit Man: Sorry, can't help you. We can't do any returns.
Lancer: My man's suit was a dress.
Spirit Man: Hmm.
Lancer: ~Rude-yet-convincing look~
Spirit Man: Okay, I'll give you a full refund.
Lancer: Yeah you will!!! (internal thought)
Lesson learned. If you plan on trying to buy fly costumes and shame your friends, check the package before leaving the store.