Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Farewell, Twihards!

Cry me a Twi-River. We had to say one final farewell to Jake and Eddie. You might say we've been a tad bit obsessed over the years.

Lancer was all "Hey! Let's paint the accent wall in the kitchen so it looks better for the Breaking Dawn party." Who am I to argue with his genius observations?

Hey, boys!

Somebody brought their shirtless Jacob doll. It cost less because it's half naked.

I love the newest Edward poster in the middle. Meow.

We chowed down on our usual Twi fare. Taco bar, sweet corn much, chips and guacamole, and copious amounts of DC. Ooh--smuggled in movie candy as well.

We accosted the cardboard cutouts. Standard fare.

Team Dogface

Team Sparkle

Classy Lady Heather told us to lick Jake's abs for her in a super classy way. We feel like we delivered.

B is still a Team Edward gal. Lance put the cardboard dudes up and asked her to pick one. He referred to Jake as "Team Dogface" and Edward as "Team Big Dummy" and asked which one she liked better. She thought about it and then yelled "Team Big Dummy!" Smartie.

I kicked B and Lancer out at 6:30 PM sharp. I shoved him out the door with a plate of food (at least I fed him!) and told him to find a place to eat. I asked B the next morning where they ate, and she busted up laughing and told me they ate in a parking lot. I verified with Lancer--totally true. She still laughs when you ask her about it.

Off to the theater! Candace offered to go hold our place in line. She took a nice, comfy chair to relax in.

I smuggled Jake into the theater. Hotblooded loser heated up my Diet Coke. That's why I stick with cold, sparkly vamps.

Okay. If you saw my BD Part One review, you know I didn't think it was all that great. But Part Two?? WOW! I wasn't expecting it to be good at all, and I thought it was GREAT! At one point, the audience was losing their minds. Like gasping, screaming, and freaking out. I saw it the following night (no judging!) and it hilarious to see it happen all over again.

Time to pack up all the posters, schwag, t-shirts, and cutouts. I can hardly wait for the next age-inappropriate paranormal series to capture my heart. Neither can Lance.

Edward Cullen now belongs in my mythological loves category along with Jake Ryan, Gilbert Blythe, and Donnie Wahlberg. I know Donnie's technically real, but I have to blank out that man pat he gave me when we actually met so he can remain in my heart forever.

Sparkle on!


Dayna said...

OMG! I was one of those FREAKING OUT in the theater! My friend kept hitting me telling me to be quiet! ALL i could say over and over was OH MY GOD!!! My neice was crying next to me! IT. WAS. AWESOME!!

brooke said...

You are nuts.