Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Bird is the Word

Thanksgiving Throwback!

 Team Jacobs back in the day. Don't worry about the dude's tongue in Lance's ear. It was unwelcome.

We did Thanksgiving right. I cooked, and cooked, and cooked. I really enjoy doing the spread when I have the time and ability.

My stamina was fueled by organic egg nog from Strauss Family Farms. Get your hands on a bottle of this if you know what's good for you.

I triple crocked it. Yams, stuffing, and Brooke's creamed corn.

Lance demolished the bird before I could photograph it in its brown and juicy glory.

I set a festive table

It was scrumptious

Beezie wasn't so sure. I think she ate a roll.

We kicked back, watched movies, ate a lot, and snoozed as much as possible. Don't be jealous, but ALL of us routinely slept in until 10:30 or 11 every day of vacation. It was heavenly.

We also went to see Peter Pan in San Jose. It starred nimble and spritely Cathy Rigby as Peter Pan. At the end, she pounced off the stage and flew over the audience, tossing glitter all over everyone while kicking her legs and waving her arms. Lance and I were laughing so hard we cried. Lancer gave it one thumb up, and said his foray back into the theater was premature.

We also hit up the aquarium in Monterey--I believe in driving for fun. Since we're season pass holders, we never feel the need to get there early, or stay all day. It's nice. As always, B loved it. She was recognizing a lot of the animals this time, and saying their names. She likes gray whales, apparently.

Her favorite attraction is the "washing machine." You stand in this glass dome, and when the tide comes in, it rolls over your head. She always winces and fears being drenched, but we have to drag her out of it.

We also played around in our yard and captured B in her cute pumpkin dress.

This week, the rain started and there's a chill in the air. It helps if you cuddle up with cute boys for warmth. Smart gal.


teuscher travels said...

Darling pic of u and lance this year! And we need to check out the aquarium, so cute! And her pumpkin dress is too perfect for words.

Ashley said...

The bit about the Peter Pan lady flying over the audience with glitter is so hilarious! I wish I could have been there! (But you know, downtown San Jose traffic during a holiday?!?!) That bird carcass is a nice pic. I'm glad you've embraced that you enjoy cooking a spread like this given the right conditions. I always think it sounds fun til I'm about 20 minutes in.

Lance said...

It was a great Thanksgiving - even better than the first one way back when!

Lance said...

It was a great Thanksgiving - even better than the first one way back when!

Greg said...

Organic egg nog? I'm not sure that making it organic would make it palatable...

I love the pics of Lance and B!

Also, your feast looked really good. All of it. I'm sure that it tasted as good as it looked!

Elizabeth said...

I have decided that yours Thanksgiving is our Christmas. The food is practically the same and we have a week off and sleep alot (well the Brooks do anyway). I love that you all slept til 10.30am ... that is a true holiday and by holiday I mean vacation :-)

Em said...

This is so funny because Cathy Rigby is now in Houston tossing her glitter over audiences here. I'm grateful for this review because I thought it might be fun to take Mita to have a "Finding Neverland" moment but now I'm okay with not going.

And your comments about my hair saga cracked me up!