Thursday, November 29, 2012

Makeover Madness!

Our house was looking like Tai in Clueless: in desperate need of a makeover.

I have no idea why it took us 8 years to get curtains. Actually, I do. We have lovely custom Levelor blinds, and never seemed to need them. Then one day, out of the blue, Lance says "I think we need curtain treatments in here." True story. He got measuring. That was step one.

The Before

And the After

Fireplace Before

Fireplace After

 We found this amazing product called Brick Anew. You do the base color, and then do 4 layers over each other. The result is a natural tumbled stone look. The instructions came with an offer for $5 if they use you on their website. I check back every day to see if ours is posted, and hope the proverbial check is in the mail. I also bought a fireplace insert that churns out real heat.We also hung the antique bell we bought in Amsterdam years ago. About time!

I also got new pillows for the chaise lounge, a new lampshade, and re-did the bookcase in an antique blue to match the mirror.

 A closeup of my handiwork--I distressed it by hand with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

Got new pillows and rack for B's toys. Here's the before.

The After

Then we looked around some more and realized our kitchen was...ugly. We got crackin' on that, too. It started out as a 5'0's greenish/blue hue, and ended up a cool gray. We also got a new faucet.

The Before

The During

The After

Oh, yeah. We also did the accent wall in the kitchen a dark wine/plum color. We love it.

Then we took a good look at out janky carpets. We decided to rip 'em out.

Here's the after--beautiful berber carpets!

I decided to capture some pictures of our little house in the fall. Here it is in all of its glory! We will start with the front--all decked out for Fall and Thanksgiving.

And that concludes our home makeover. Now our house looks just like this. (you're a virgin, and you can't drive!)


teuscher travels said...

How have I not seen ANY of these changes?!? And where are you getting your energy? I need to know your secret. The house looks AMAZING!! I can't decide what is my fave... The carpets... The brick ... The kitchen... I need to see in person stat. Nice work Jacobs!!

Ashley said...

That is seriously a ton of work in a short amount of time. You guys knocked this out! The kitchen is my favorite. The darker color looks great with your open shelves. And new carpet is always sooo nice.

Lance said...

Wow, where did we get our energy? I'm glad you documented all of this - I"m so happywe finally got rid of that horrible carpet! Looks and feels like a new pad!

Elizabeth said...

Wow your house looks amazing!!!! I love the darker grey in the kitchen and the new look fire place. Having lived with a reno for years! I cant give you enough props for the work you have completed on your super gorgeous house.

Em said...

I love all the changes, especially in the living area! That is amazing what you did to the fireplace brick. And I am with Lance--where did you get all that energy?!

The Gilberts said...

whoohoo Hollaa! You've been hard at work -- wayyyy impressive guys!