Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bow Down to the Mostess

I AM The Hostess With the Mostess. How do I know this?

In addition to throwing my own cookie exchange last Sunday, I attended a second one this evening thrown by friends in another city. I wanted a chance to compete and WIN. There were 47 entries to beat. I was confident--I have good taste.

I made these

I swapped them for all of these


In other words, I beat Hayley. The best part is, she re-created the cookie that took first place at my party in hopes that the baking magic would wear off on her, and her 5 year losing streak would be broken. No such luck.

I offered her my prize to take home to Tat and lie about her second loss in one short week. Turns out she has a shred of pride left. I'm hoping to elminate that very last shred with another loss next year. Here's to 2011!


teuscher travels said...

What did you make? I am not surprised at your win, but am baffled why Hay doesnt ever bring it home? That girl makes tasty vittles, always love dinner and treaties at her place... she must be jinxed with a christmas curse!

Stephanie said...

Harsh! But funny, nonetheless. Sorry to Haley.

Lance said...

Nice work baby! I told you that you had a winner on your hands!

Ashley said...

What is that huge spatula you won? Props to you--you are lucky my dense brownies were not there to knock you down to third!