Friday, August 28, 2009

I know it's Wrong...

..but I just can't make myself get rid of this one-armed Michael Vick bobblehead.

In my defense, it was my first tsotchke I got on my first job, which means it's legitimately from Mr. Vick. It was all fine and dandy until he was exposed as a dog-killing freak. Then people started questioning the figurine. I know I should chuck it, but I don't have the heart. Plus, I think if it as a good luck charm. Dobbie doesn't approve.

I guess I could always say that a dog ripped his arm off--that's less offensive, right?

PS...I wonder if there's a market for old, one-armed Michael Vick Falcons Bobbleheads??
Probably not.

PSS...Why does he look so much like Ray J??


brooke said...

Michael Vick has almost ruined mine and Sam's marriage. Every time his name comes up, we get in a fight. I think the guy sucks and thought his prison sentence was completly justified--he was fighting dogs for crying out loud and everyone knows that people who abuse animals eventually abuse people.

Sam thinks I'm crazy. He thinks Michael Vick should never have gone to prison and that it is a cultural thing for him to fight dogs. Whatevs. He's wrong.

Sam loves Michael Vick.

brooke said...

If the dog did rip his arm off I think that would be sweet revenge don't you think?

Brett Nordquist said...

So very wrong but so very hilarious. Hold on to that baby!

Ashley said...

It's a lovely piece.