Monday, February 9, 2009

It Gets Better

No, really.

So Lance got home from his European trip, and told me he had treaties for me. He always brings back little gifties from his trips, cause that's the way he rolls. He produced a little tin of toffee and some chocolate. I was kinda secretly hoping he had an autograph from Donnie, but decided the pictures and conversation with The Kids was cool enough. But...Lancer got a little smile in his eye, and pulled out this:

My husband is the greatest!! It reads: "To Kaari, Love Donnie Wahlberg--2009". SQUEEEAALL!!! When he was chatting with Donnie, he told him how I would flip out over an autograph, and Donnie was cute enough to oblige.


Apparently, 10 minutes after signing Lance's boarding pass (remind me to always carry an 8 X 10 of Donnie and a Sharpie for my eventual stalker-based "run in") Donnie asked to borrow Lance's pen. (I need to locate said pen, so I can steal and worship it, BTW) Lance handed it over, and a few seconds later Donnie says (with a smile) "Give this to Kaari!" Lance looks down and sees this:


And, in case you can't read it, it says "To Kaari, Love Donnie Wahlberg--2009. See you in the Spring!" The best part of this story is that he remembered my name from the 1st autograph, including it's weirdo Finnish spelling, and directed Lance to give it to name. Without even being asked. This means he realizes that I really am his biggest fan, and that he really was my first true love. It also means that I now have additional items to add to my sign for the next concert to jog his memory of "Kaari-the-superfan-whose-husband-I-ran-into-in-the-airport-in-Germany-hey-come-take-pics-with-me-and-the-Kids." Victory will be mine.

I would say these items won't be in a custom frame within a week, but I don't like to lie. So, I won't.

Seriously--my husband rules all. Hand down. No contest. The best. I love you. Love-love-love you.

Kaari Jacobs (Wahlberg)


Hayley said...

We're all so proud. Lance wins the award of the year fo-sho!

Lance, if you happen to run into Zac Efron, my name is spelled...
H-A-Y-L-E-Y. Don't forget the Y before the L. Many do.

Jeri said...

I am so jealous I could die! Seriously! Your husband is the bomb! What a fantastic surprise!

Angela said...

This is so awesome- You are so funny! This has been the best read! They are coming to my town in the next bit- So I am going to be on the lookout for you!

Sara said...

I almost died...for about 2 seconds I thought he had given you a CRUISE ticket!

brooke said...

I have to admit this is really really cool. I would totally have that stuff custom framed for my home. Your husband gets husband of the year. However, I am still reeling that you don't like bows on baby girls--what the?? :-)

Lindsey said...

I'm laughing.

Really hard.

Way to go Lance!

Kerry and Holly said...

How incredibly awesome! We have had the wonderful oppurtunity of meeting Donnie, but I am so jealous that you have his plane ticket!



Chris said...

Donnie Wahlberg flies coach?

The Mostess said...

Donnie is a man of the people...

Toria said...

you are hilarious!!!!

Toria said...

ok, I am putting you on my google reader. I am having too much fun reading all your old posts- you are hilarious and I'm sorry I haven't commented, but I have been laughing and smiling and enjoying a lazy morning in my pjs in front of the computer. I need to get dressed now. It's 11.

Lance said...

So a few comments so far: Yes, I do rule so now you all know! I'm just hoping this will somehow turn into more tasty "deeners" for moi.

Haley, who is Zac Efron? Actually, I don't know and I don't want to know. Please don't tell me so I can continue to be your friend.

To Chris, not only does he and his posse fly coach, they were at the back of the plane and were all filing in as I sat comfortably in my chair, having boarded well before the NKOTB. Jordan Knight tried to get my attention by singing a little tune, but I paid him no mind as he headed toward the back of the plane.

Life's a Dance said...

This post just made me laugh! I love it! You guys have the best stalker luck EVER!

Kristine Gray said...

Lance, you are THE MAN. This should score you major points through all of '09.

Greg said...

Not only is Lance the man, but I feel like I need to take back every mocking comment I've ever made or thought about Donnie W. Seriously, I'm glad the object of your infatuation is so cool! What a great story!!