Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It Slices, It Dices

I work late at night on the computer. This always leads to watching late-night TV when all of the magical infomercial ads are on. They convince you that your way of life is unsatisfactory, and that real happiness comes in the shape of an absorbent shammie, or a bean shaped ab whittler. I love watching the exaggerated vignettes where the woman's shoulder is instantly weighed down and pained by her poor quality purse strap, or the woman who struggles to strain messy pasta over a hot stove. WHO HAS THE TIME TO STRAIN HOT PASTA OVER A HOT STOVE??? No one, it seems, in infomercial land.

Here are my fave gems.

Touch n' Bond: It's like sewing for lazy or dumb people. Or lazy, dumb people.

Stealth SSA. It looks like a Bluetooth, but it's really a spying device that allows you to hear what your neighbors think of you. "That Kaari sure is the cutest gal on the block--and her freezer if full of delicious food!" Why, thank you!! (pretend blushing)

The Snuggie. Blanket and coat in one. Genius. And, on occasion, I do find traditional blankets unsatisfying. Maybe the one in the commercial sucks so bad and falls off all of the time because it's 4 inches by 4 inches. Just a thought.

The Sham-wow. Wow!!!
Old-Fashioned Hot-Dog Roller. I don't even eat hot-dogs besides the ones at Costco or ballgames, but I really need this:
The dougnumatic. I can't even eat wheat, but I really need this:

The Magic Bullet. I have a blender and a killer food processor. Yet, I'm convinced the Magic Bullet would change my life. 3 second guacamole? Sign me up!

These are all available through infomercials, and unlike the junk above, they actually work.

Tempur-Pedic. Best investment. Ever. Worth every dollar.

Debbie Meyer Green Bags. They really do work. I gave some to my mom for Christmas...not as her main gift, because I'm not a horrible daughter. She loves them.

Oxi-Clean. I had to get set-in stains (the dreaded "set in stains") out of some linens. I tried everything on the shelf, but this stuff is the only thing that got it out.

Ab Rocker. No really. I tried it in the store, and it works your abs like nobody's business, but cradles your neck and back so they don't get strained.
And, of course, the legendary FoodSaver.

What junk do you want from Infomercial Land??


Amber said...

Ok, we have the magic bullet, and it really is awesome. We only use it for smoothies, not guac, but still!

I am also sad to say we use oxyclean for Henry's poop explosions. Works like a charm.

I must mention - Sam's entire family are a bunch of suckers for infomercials. It is hilarious!! They can't get enough. Me, they make me want to scream! (Except for once I saw Ken Paves selling Jessica Simpson hair extensions and I REALLY wanted them...then I realized I had been sucked in and turned off the TV immediately!)

Katz said...

The Snuggie is a backwards robe.

And the Ped-Egg looks amazing. The shavings that get dumped in the trash gross me out.

brooke said...

You really MUST watch a lot of late night tv. I haven't even heard of most of these. My kids are obsessed with the Snuggie. Why can't they call it the Snugglie? A snuggie is when your underwear goes up you bum. Anyway, I digress. My kids also want me to buy the plant globes--water your plants automatically--I have no plants--hence no need. They also want me to buy the spacesaver space bags that you suck the air out of everything--do you think they watch too much tv?

The Mostess said...

Brooke--Aquaglobes!!! I totally want a set, but I have no plants, and they're ugly and hippie-ish, like junk you would find at a Renaissance fair. ~Shiver~ But they DO water themselves...

Snuggies? We called them wedgies.

My sister asked for the Ped Egg. I ignored her.

I've perused the Jessica Simpson hair line as well. Then I also came to my senses and ran out of the store.

The Spacesaver bags are cool. Kind of like the Foodsaver for pillows and clothes.

btnthirsty said...

The Snuggie is goofiest of all, and abt a dollar's worth of fabric for how much plus shipping & handling?!

But I'm a mattress hawker, so am glad to see the Tempur-Pedic bed set is among the smart buys.

Did you buy the Grand bed on late night TV? That I couldn't do, but I've tried it and liked it, it's their top of the line mattress. I still prefer the feel of my latex bed best, though.

Ashley said...

I used to want the Tony Robbins program. He's just so energetic!

Jeri said...

I actually own the PedEgg. The best pedicure item EVER!!!! Just bought the refill blades and Bed, Bath & Beyond. My hubby bought it as a gag gift last Christmas and it tuned out to be the best thing I got.

Other than that, I am intrigued by the green bags.

I always know I am up way too late when I start thinking, "Hmmm,maybe I really do need that."If I start looking for it on eBay, I immediately take a sleeping pill and chant, "MUST NOT BUY CRAP!"

Kaari, I love your blog. It always makes me smile...

Jeri said...

Oh yeah, my 7 year old daughter wants the Snuggie in a bad way. Begs for it daily. Love that the commercial is on Nick Jr.

Lindsey said...

Want? You mean have?
Magic bullet- check
Sham-wow- check

green bag- i wish!

Hayley said...

-the stealth ssa. i saw this one on tv and laughed so hard. the man in the pic looks dead.
-sham-wow. i have those. they're awesome.
-snuggie blanket. a little too monk-ish for me.
-doughmatic. anything that pops doughnuts out like poop can't be good for you. i doubt you're missing out on this.

Life's a Dance said...

Ah the snuggie! What a great idea - but would I really wear it? And the doughnut machine....Jed's uncle has one and the doughnuts are TINY. And that's when they come out at all.....