Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Good Vibrations

What do you get when you combine this:

and this:

and this:

Why, you get this:

What a rare gem. These are the actual pictures of the homemade Marky-Mark faced centaur my dad has in his model of King Solomon's Temple. You know, the one the ill-fated robber encountered on the kitchen table whilst trying to 'rob' my dad of his worldly belongings.

I forgot that I am a fairly rotten kid, and that I had taken photographs of it years ago for the sole purpose of later mockery until my sister reminded me the pictures existed. The overlooked (and most entertaining, truly) part of this story is the part where my dad made her go into Toy's 'r' Us to look for a head suitable for MM doll decapitation/welding onto a horse. He went up to a guy in the store and explained his intentions, and the guy looked at my dad like he was a serial killer and SPRINTED away from him. I don't blame him.

P.S. Marky-Mark has a reminder for you. Please heed.

That doesn't apply to me, of course, cause I'm cool with his bro.


Sara said...

OMG LOL etc etc.
I'm going to share this with my New Kids friends. That's hilarious!

Kristine Gray said...

Dang, that thing is ugly! Do you have a pic of the temple?

Ashley said...

Wow. I think that is a great centaur. (sp?) I appreciate a man who will go to such lengths for a scale model. It is so weird that the burglar didn't take it!

I agree with Kristine. Bring on the temple!

Lance said...

I want one, but with the old bearded GI Joe head.

brooke said...

I would love to meet your dad.

American Homemaker said...

I used to have Marky Mark posters all over my bedroom when I was in middle school :)