Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pizza, Pizza

I did something tonight that I haven't done in over 4 years. I got to go to a pizza place, order pizza, eat pizza, and be full from pizza. Ta-da...Amici's in San Jose is now carrying gluten-free crusts. And it's goooood. I found out this morning around 9 am. By 6:30 pm, my friend Alie and I were happily horking down a Hawaiian pizza on a breezy San Jose street. We also found out they deliver to my hood for free, as long as the order is $40. Score!!

I know some of you have dietary restrictions--mostly self-imposed ones like going veggie or vegan. I know you feel my pain--missing out on many things other people consider normal--birthday cakes @ the office, pizza on Friday night, cinnamon buns for breakfast. It was so fun to finally feel normal, and just grab some pizza with a friend.

Here's to many more deep dishes with friends!

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