Saturday, September 6, 2008


As previously stated, Lancer and I were in O-Town last night to see NIN. No need to get all worried about us...we simply like industrial music, and no one does it better than NIN. Lance had never seen them live--I had, back in 95 with my sister, and they were better this time around. If only I had held onto my old concert shirt...oh well.

In addition to great sound quality, they had an amazing light show going on--it was connected to the music, so the colors and light would pulse along with the music. It was the coolest visual I have ever seen at a concert. The pics don't do it justice:

TR's voices sounded killer. I have no idea how he has angrily sung all of these years without damaging his voice. BTW--I like him with short hair. This isn't helping with my current obsession for creepy, pale, slightly vampiric men.

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