Until I strap on my hottest shoes, round up the girls, and drink a mock-tini. SATC is back! I've missed the girls. It will be great to have them back!
I know everyone thinks they're Carrie...but they're usually Miranda. In my case, I am actually Carrie. See 10 convincing points below:
1. I have always been a writer
2. I have blond, naturally curly hair
3. I have cajoled a man into going to Mcd's instead of a nice, upscale restaurant
4. I don't like romantic junk. When Petrovsky starts busting out that horrid song, Carrie and I flinched inside. A lot.
5. I've dated a BIG. We did *not* end up happily ever after, however, unless he considers the curb part of that magical ending.
6. I once lied to a caller, and pretended I was my own (fake) roommate. I thought it was a telemarketer because they called me Carrie, so I lied and said "Kaari" wasn't home. Turns out it was someone calling from church, and they just needed directions for an activity. I (not-so)helpfully told her I was "Kaari's roomie" and could give her the directions. Said caller returned the call an hour later, and told me my "stupid roommate" gave her horrible directions, and she was lost in Palo Alto. Oops. That roommate of mine sure sucks with directions!
7. I resisted getting a cell phone for a long time. Longer than most normal people.
8. We have the same middle name!!
9. I have been a "real life" model. No roadkill here, though.
10. I like hot shoes and vintage finds.
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