Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Shake, Rattle & Roll

Mini is officially a California Baby--she experienced her first earthquake the other day, and handled it with grace and poise. Clearly, I have a well adjusted baby.

It was centered in the south bay, but we felt it all the way up in SF. We were up visiting Auntie Jo-Jo, who is quite smitten with Beezie.

Beezie was in Auntie Jo-Jo's room when the earthquake hit--Jo-Jo was trying on her Pajama Jeans for me.

She got them for Christmas. They're pajamas! They're jeans! They're Pajama Jeans!! Don't front--you know you want a pair, too. I'm convinced. I need a pair. And when you see my fine lookin' boo-tay, you'll know I got them.

Moving on. Logan totally wised up and realized that B is a food source, usually in the form of barfed up milk. He doesn't really have what I would call a discriminating palette. They are now fast friends.

We also spent some time with Nana Lana--she's my Aunt from San Jose. She's in love-love-love with B, so she offers to babysit and get her baby fix, which is a total lifesaver. I have her coming on Friday so I can go to Costco. We have exactly 1/2 roll of toilet paper left. Hope it holds until then.

B also spent a little time with one of her boyfriends at his house, and got to roll around on his playmat. Apparently, his playmat is better than ours, since she spent a good chunk of the morning on it, but whines like an abandoned orphan when she's on ours by herself.

She is also taking fashion risks like her daddy--note the flashy yellow socks. Clinton and Stacy would totally approve.
We also hit up Rancho San Antonio with Hayley and Tinger. The air was crisp, but we got moving on the trail, then took some time at the farm to let the kids mingle and play.

I am still thrilled with my free jogger--Thanks again, Amber! Lancer fixed the front wheel, putting his years of working in a bike shop as a teen to good use for me. It's about time his sordid BMX past comes in handy for me!

I'll see you all soon--in my Pajama Jeans, of course.


Lance said...

Such great shots of you and beezie!

Ashley said...

Nor do I approve of the yellow socks.

You didn't tell me you've seen pajama jeans in real life! How are they? Tell me they are hot!

Ashley said...

Just looked at the socks again --they are those cute little shoe ones! I like, I like.

brooke said...

Sorry--that deleted comment was from me. Your post first showed up with no words and I was totally confused. I'm better now.

Glad B survived her first earthquake! I'm leary of pj jeans. You know how I think jeans need to fit tight so the pj jeans just doesn't make sense to me but I'm open to discussion.

As for the party shed--I'm completely impressed. One that you have an entire shed dedicated to parties (I get it--that is sort of what my room in the basement is for) and two that you went out there and spent twenty hours cleaning the dang thing out (where was Baby B?--that's why I can't get anythign done!)

Want to come take care of my room in the basement? I'll hold Blakely while you tackle it!

ShopGirlSF said...

PJ Jeans are amazing! I was a doubter till I received some as a gift so I can understand your hesitation.

Amber said...

Pajama Jeans are over rated. Sam bought me some - he thought I would enjoy...but alas, they were scary and I immediately sent them back. It doesn't help that I am exactly 2 feet tall and would need to have the smallest size hemmed. Excuse me, who HEMS pajamas? Or sweats? Jeans I get.