Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ringin in the New Year

I am not sad to say goodbye to 2010. Goodbye big belly, bum leg, and pregnancy stress. Hello cute and fun baby!!

We got roped into "chaperoning" the stake dance. I agreed, but secretly planned on abandoning my post and dancing my little legs off the first chance I got. Unfortunately, Hayley kept a close watch on us, and made us dish up popcorn and candy to the kids at the concession stand instead. I made it fun by demanding that the kids dance for their candy.

Lance shoveling the overly salted and kind of burnt popcorn like a good little boy

After our shift was done, it was too late to go to a real club or party so we stuck around and showed off our fancy NYE wares. Note Lance's fly $12 shoes.

We decided to show the kids how it's done and busted a move on the dance floor.

Welcome 2011! I greet you with open arms!!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Tyler told me he saw you guys driving away at 12:01. Must have been a blast. You looked really cute though!