Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Over The Moon


I'm going to resist the urge to do a faux Mastercard commercial here. You know--"Soda and popcorn-$11. Edward Cullen shirt-$33. Gas to get from the South Bay to the North Bay--$14. Seeing New Moon 2 days before the masses--priceless." Oh wait--I just did. But seriously peeps--priceless.

Let's just start out by saying the New Moon is a grillion times better than Twilight--and that is saying something since this is not a Team Edward movie. AND--I have now become 3/4 Edward, 1/4 Jacob. I never saw the appeal of Jacob before b/c I was never the girl to fall for my "best guy friend." I always went for the more obvious guy who was bad for me. Methinks my dating life would have been a lot better with a little more Jacob in it. Oh, to go back in time.

Back to New Moon. I got to sport this awesome all access wristband.

And sit in a fancy Summit Entertainment "Reserved Section" seat with the press. By chance we sat next to some local celebrity DJ's, and I pretended not to know them. They asked how I got in, and I returned the favor. They said "Well, we have people--so how did you get in?" My answer: "I clearly have people--I'm sitting next to you." Big laughs, ice broken.

The one sitting closest to me wanted to hear all about this secret underworld of Twi-Hards. He had no idea how crazy we are. I wanted to invite him to my party on Friday and really scare him. He asked how Lancer felt about my 3/4 Edward/1/4 Jacob/Twilight/RPatz obsession and I told him that he thought it was a step above my outdated NKOTB obsession. So true.

We also got 4 posters, which I love, and will use for my party. See how it said the entrance was closed? That was only for the little people. Kidding. (**but not really**)

Yes, friends, New Moon is as exciting, amazing, and swoon-worthy as you think it is. I cannot wait to go on Friday.

On another note, I learned a valuable lesson about wearing a white shirt under my fancy new sweater dress. And that lesson is to wear a black shirt. So glad RPatz didn't see me like this. How embarrassing.

Oh Eddie--how I have missed thee. See you soon.


Unknown said...

Sigh.....oh, only one of the BEST NIGHTS EVER!!!

Thanks, Kaari! You ROCK!

Toria said...

hilarious as always. Can we still be friends if I admit that after reading the books (excluding #4) i was a Jacob fan all the way. Still am.
The movies are converting me to Edward where I'm about 1/4 to your 3/4. We'll see if New Moon makes me 50/50, which in the end is sort of lame, it's like I never really picked one.

I can't remember the beginnings of you and Lancer.
Was he an Edward or a Jacob?
Maybe you should tell us that story on your blog sometime :) Can't wait.

brooke said...

I only read the first book--I know--I can't really put myself in your category but I do prefer Edward over Jacob.

I'm insanely jealous of your insider status--not because you got to see the movie early, but because I always want to feel better or at least, more priveleged than other people.

I love your boots and the white shirt under the sweater.

Hayley said...

love the sweater. so glad you had a good time. did you listen to the radio this am? maybe you were mentioned as the craziest fan?

Ashley said...

I can tell you were giddy when you wrote this post because it read JUST like you speak. I love it.

So was Lancer a Jacob or and Edward? Nevermind, dumb question.