Monday, November 9, 2009

And Heather is Back on The Phone!

Remember this debacle?? We decided to give The Westin another go to make it right.

The Westin didn't disappoint. What is it with this group of girls? Why do we always 1. Have an issue at The Westin and 2. Let Heather get on the phone to make it right and 3. Laugh hysterically as we stand by goofing off and make Heather make the aforementioned call. It's a pattern I'm not wanting to break--AND, we did get a security guard to crawl on the floor and smell under the doors. Awesome!

We checked in--nice and smooth. We took the elevator up to the floor--nice and smooth. We get off the elevator--not nice and smooth--stinky and skunkweedy. As in skunkweed. As is cheap, crappy, stinky, um, MaryJane. Ugh. It permeated the entire floor, and got closer as we got to our room. The 2 prego ladies were not digging. Neither was I--just sayin' they were more sensitive to it, that's all.

We bust into the room and Heather gets on the phone and calls the front desk. She angrily informs them that the floor smells like "Skunk and Weed." I correct her--"Honey, it's skunkweed. One word."

In any case, security same up and checked out the room across the hall. They claimed it wasn't them, but I think it was. After security left, they stunk up the floor with their Designer Imposters Perfume. You remember those, right? If you like Giorgio, you'll love Primo! I swear I didn't wear them in Jr. High. And by that, I mean I did and now I'm totally ashamed.

As we waited for the preggos to go get a new room, we took some sneaky pics through the peephole. This is the security guard trying to track down the smoky offenders:

Besides being able to identify skunkweed, I especially love Lindsay because she's also into music. Which means she didn't look at me like I was an alien when I mentioned The Smiths and Morrissey. I especially love that she knows that The Smiths and Morrissey are not an imaginary band named "Smith Morrissey." If you have no idea what I'm talking about, just think back to when you wore Designer Imposters and go on listening to Miley Cyrus.

What would our night be without snackies? Lindsay got all Fancypants on us, and brought great shame in the snacks Department. I brought veggie dip, Hayley brought peanut butter M & M's, and Linday brings prosciutto, cheese, & sliced apples and pears. Way to go, Fancypants! We're going to take a cue from you next time.

My ghetto offerings--which pale in comparison to delish prosciutto and fruit.

Ahh, ladies. Thanks for another good night of fun, gossip, and giggles until 5 am. Then brunchie-brunch the next morning. The home for a nappie-nap. Here's to our next trip!


Kristine Gray said...

Skunk and Weed? Hilarious!

brooke said...

How do you write this stuff?

I have to say, I'm impressed with the photo through the peephole. I never would have thought to take that.

You ladies always seem to take care of yourselves. nice work.

Hayley said...

i knew it was a new-found forever friendship when you & lindsay chatted about "smith's morrisey" forever, properly identified skunk & weed & then when she pulled out european treats.

& to heather's credit, i may stand by & laugh, but she gets the dirty work done. i wasn't about to inhale that crap all night long.

so fun!

teuscher travels said...

It seriously smelled SO BAD! It still boggles my mind that someone would smoke something that vile smelling - good thing we got outta there before the perfume was used to mask it:) I did get home and Jamie knew exactly what Skunkweed (one word) was! Always fun to escape for a night and I dream of that brunch place on a regular basis.

Ashley said...

Hilarious. I love the "skunk weed/skunkweed" moment. I don't know how you manage to have all these hijinks every time you go out but I keep hearing these stories and you are the common element. . . . weird!

That first picture of you all on the bed is gorgeous of everyone. I should have taken my Christmas card photo on a bed at the Westin.

Ashley said...

P.S. Designer Imposters--hilarious!