We had a fun little Easter. I got Husbie a basket filled with nice, practical goodies...miniatures for when he goes to the gym. Dobbie must have been a *very* good boy, because the Easter Bunny brought him his own basket. It had a cute little pair of bunny ears:
I made my yummy crockpot scalloped potatoes. It goes a little something like this:
Be lazy and use Cusinart to slice potatoes:

Layer fried onions and chopped ham in between the tasty potatoes:
Pour the creamy dairy over the top:
Cook on low for 6-7 hours...and then hork them down. Yummy!
We had a potluck with friends, which was nice. Minimal work, maximum food. Our friend Kristen brought a fabulous, 14 layer technicolor Jello salad. Lancer was intrigued and delighted by the bright salad:
Everyone loading up on their goodies:
The day was absolutely gorgeous, and we were able to enjoy our nice backyard:
Hoppy Easter Everyone!
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