I'm sure you've heard the rumors...and Perez says they're true. And what Perez sez goes. 90210 is being redone. So, it's like 90210....2.0. What do I have to do to get on that show? My acting skills are at least as good as Tori Spelling's. And I have experience onstage. I probably shouldn't mention my embarrassingly hasty departure from the stage when I got non-stop giggles while playing "Flute of The Loom" in 6th grade (caught on tape--please, please don't end up on Break. com). That aside, I am cooking up a way to make an appearance at the Peach Pit. I'm going to combine the following attributes, and create an unstoppable Beverly Hills Super-Character. That way, I'm always assured a spot at Nat's Counter:
1. Crazy, slap-worthy antics like Brenda
2. Sensitive, do-gooder feelings like Brandon
3. (Slightly) promiscuous behavior like Kelly
4. Brainiac study habits like Andrea
5. Brooding behavior like Dylan
6. Super-mullet like Steve
7. Gun twirling skills like Scott (haha..that wasn't very nice, but it sure was funny)
8. Nerd-to-chic capabilities like David
9. Virginal, doe-eyed looks like Donna. May be in conflict with #3. Hmm.

1 comment:
Hey you! THis is Michelle Covert! Jen told me that you ran into each other last week - so fun. Of course I HAVE to comment on "Donna Martin Graduates!" Did you hear she said she'd love to be someone's young stepmom on the show? Good times. Hope all is well! I'm linking you to my blog...
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