Friday, March 8, 2013

All you Need is Love

February was packed with love. We hosted  a Not so Newlywed game at our place. Inexplicably, none of us knew anything about our spouses. I created the game, and we still had a poor showing. We can't even cheat our way to a win!

We had a lovey dovey spread

This is all of us trying to answer the great questions in life. We each answered 20 questions about our spouses, and then teamed up for the reveal.

The reveals were juicy--hidden love letters, hatred for quesadilla makers, and  a few MIL jokes to keep things retro. Then some creeper answered an innocent question in a pervy way, and made things awkward. It was Lance.

Here are the winners. I'm convinced they spend their days just sitting around quizzing each other. Nice work Team Macdonald. You deserved those plastic leis and chocolate roses straight from the sunny Burbank studios.

We also attended the annual white elephant exchange with friends. Hayley used to host it. but she moved to Price to die...blah blah blah. Erin took it over, which is awesome because I wasn't about to offer up my place. My favorite gift is something creepy and useless with phallic undertones. Here was my offering:

 It's a real item. Please note the creepy "bun warmer" on the side. It cooks up to 6 hot dogs on the your car, boat, or RV. The back of the box also says it can hard boil eggs on the go. I feel sorry for the sad sack who this this POS home. Hahahaha.

We also had a Valentine's Day party at school. I kind of forgot we had to bring swag, and considered "running out to my car" to grab the missing treats, and high tailing it over to the Sev. But I rummaged around in the backseat and found some Minnie Mouse pencils. I sauntered back in like I had planned to give people crap gifts.

It was good enough

The rest of February was spent pouring over preschool applications. I spent hours working on them, and then came home from Ashley's Oreo/Beef baby shower to find them crumpled up and shoved in a gigantic Big Gulp jug. Looks like someone enjoys livin the good life at Super Franks and Chick fil A.


Heather said...

FUN! I wish I lived in Cali so I could come to your awesome parties...and maybe checkout your party shed.

Ashley said...

Ha ha, at first I thought maybe Carly somehow got into your house and gifted you that mug and destroyed the apps in an attempt to eliminate competition for Sunnyvale Rec. But I like your explanation better.

The newlywed party was so fun! Maybe my favorite party you've ever thrown! (That's a bold statement to make since the cookie party is really in a category all its own, but really it was a hoot.)

Greg said...

Kaari, are you sure that you didn't buy the Hot Dog to Go Maker and try it out yourself before re-gifting it?

You need to take some of these parties on the road. I'm not sure if your Bay Area friends appreciate your talents enough!