Monday, March 11, 2013

Catching Up

Time is flying by. January was a complete bust, February brought some fun, and so far, March has had some fun happening as well. Here's my photo dump catch-up.

 B has learned the value of sugar and candy, and will almost immediately stop all antics and shenanigans if promised a treat. Win-win.

B and Kai Kai TRASHED her room in under 2 minutes flat. The best part? Premeditation in the form of locking the door. When I used a butter knife to bust in, this is what I saw. Um, yeah.

 We hit up SF

Tacolicious! This is my fave Mexican joint in the city. They recently opened one up in PA, and it doesn't disappoint. It's not Tex-Mex (Heather!) so if you don't like your tacos on the fusion-y side, skip this place. The con queso is to die for.

B continues to rock new and interesting outfits. I love it.

She also likes to park herself on top of the rock our front. Apparently, this is a great little nook.

She's obsessed with mail--sending, writing, receiving. I bought a cute little stand at Goodwill I'm going to turn into a post office for her.

I re-organized the party shed. Things had been dire out back since December. I couldn't bring myself to put the Christmas decorations away, but a quick trip to Utah renewed my vim and vigor. I came home and whipped this thing into shape!

We've had lots of playdates at the park with Colin. The weather has been fabulous.

 Sulky--he didn't want the fun to end

When I tell B to smile, this is what I get. Apparently, a byproduct of Sarah Gray. Nice.

Still loving our gym class with Colin. Still rocking the parking cone on the head.

Ashley gave us this stupid monkey, and it lives the good life.  B sings it to sleep every night, and pats it on the head, saying "night, beautiful." His name is Monkey Max.

More park fun...

...until it's time to go. She crumples to the ground in a sad heap when it's time to leave. She loves having fun, and being in the mix.

Still loving school!

Goofing off with Mama

Running with an older crowd. I'm leveraging her love of older kids to try and help with the potty.

Logging in time at Safari Run in Sunnyvale--it's a new indoor gym for kids

Riding her bike. Still can't pedal, but that's what the handle is for.

Holding hands with Kai Kai

And scaling rocks together. There's nothing you can't accomplish with the love of a bestie.

That's us! Hope your March is going well!


Greg said...

Kaari, I love that B thought to lock the door to her room before commencing the mayhem!

Lance said...

Such cute lil shots. Does she get it ALL from her mama? I don't know...BTW, looking hot at Tacolicious!

Carly said...

Those two kids of ours are sure cute together... even if they have been known to wreck a room or two.