Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This time change is killing me. Yeah, I know it's "1 in the morning." But we all know it's really only 10 PM, which means I have at least 3 more hours before I'm tired. I even tried walking about 30 blocks today to tire myself out. No dice.

So, even though we barely did anything today, and Lancer worked for most of it, I'm blogging about it because I have all the time in the world.

We started out the day by lounging around while Lance was busy. We ladies got off to a bit of a late start.

We met up to head over to NYC and grab dinner with our friend Lane. Her husband is currently in The Heartland while we're here eating up all of the good food. This delights me to no end. Eat some corn and brats for us, Brit!

The PATH train is great. This kind of drunk old lady offered to snap a family pic. She had it pointed at the ground, and almost fell over when the train suddenly stopped. I'm surprised this picture actually turned out as well as it did.

We decided on a dinner place, and Lane was still about 35 minutes away, so we hoofed it from midtown to Chelsea.

Where's Waldo?

The city streets are my favorite. I love walking around and seeing the different shops, food, and people.

I love this vintage-style ice cream graphic

Lancer carried Beezie on his shoulders...

Then let her walk while he held her hand....

Then turned her loose to run amok through the mean streets of Gotham. She can't be contained.

We had dinner at Westville in Chelsea. It was super fresh and tasty.

The three of us split 4 veggie side dishes to get started, and then had our own entrees. Lancer got the trout, and I got the salmon. Light but flavorful food. Lane did us right.

The lovely ladies--Lane is so petite she makes me look like the Jolly Green Giant. I object! Even my lovely locks can't save me from this pic.

We walked back to the PATH station, but not before finding a sweet dessert place. I stopped and got some traditional gelato, while Lance and Lane stopped in for chocolate doughnuts at Doughnut Planet.

The minute we jumped on the train, B was OUT cold. She had skipped a nap for 2 days straight, and it finally caught up. This lack of sleep may account for her nutty behavior during dinner in which 2 glasses of water ended up all over the table.

We're off to a good start. Lance is in Toronto for the entire day tomorrow, so we're going to hit Central Park for some fun in the sun. I figure she will have all the space and" fresh" air she will need there. I'm going to brave the PATH train and subway all alone. I figure that I can always grab a cab if things get dire, but I have my route all planned out, so I'm feeling confident. Stay tuned, and be ready to send the Port Authority police to find me if I post cryptic messages on Facebook about being lost.


Kristine Gray said...

Looks so great (except for that fish eating thing). Enjoy your time!! Sarah asked today when she was going to play with Blakely. I told her Blakely is too cool now to play with lowly suburbanites like us.

Elizabeth said...

Yay I cant wait to read all about NYC!!!
I love how you and Lancer have the black NYC dress code going on ;-)

Greg said...

I love how you are tackling this adventure! Thanks for the updates!