Monday, October 11, 2010

Blakely's Guardian Angel

With my overwhelming joy this week comes overwhelming loss. My sister Eriika, my only sibling, passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on Sunday morning. She was 36, and had been afflicted with lupus since she was 23. It's a horrible disease, and I wouldn't wish the effects on anyone. I watched her health slowly deteriorate over the years, but never her spirit. She was a fighter, and was positive and upbeat up until the very end.

I'm struggling with mixed emotions. Great sadness and loss for me, but great happiness and relief that she is no longer suffering in a body that had turned on her long ago. Grief for the sister I lost, but peace knowing she is in a better place, happy and healthy again. She always said that when she died and was resurrected she wanted to be her 21 year old self. This is now how I picture her in my head now--happy, smiling, tan, tall, thin, and blond.

When I went back to Wisconsin for my family baby shower, she was in really bad health. But, like always, she managed it well. We stayed up late talking and even found the long lost videotapes from high school we had been searching for for years. We watched them until early in the morning, and I brought them home with me to transfer on to DVD's for us. These are great memories.

Eriika was so overjoyed about Blakely, and the happiness that she brought us in the short 2 weeks before she passed away. She loved that we named her after her, and loved the story about the duck pants. I have another duckie pair of pj's I bought in honor of her, and I know they will bring both smiles and tears to my face when B wears them.

I know she hung on longer than she should have to make sure that both Blakely and I were okay. Once she knew we were fine, she moved on. She's Blakely's own guardian angel--her namesake and beloved Aunt who loved her more than she will ever know. Eriika knew that the only way I would be able to cope with her loss was by having Blakely here with me, and she was right. I've held Blake a little closer since hearing the news, and it brings such joy to my heart.

Now she will on through all of the stories I will tell her down the line of Eriika, and all of our childhood (and adulthood) shenanigans. And shenanigans, there were. You can read some of our favorites here.

One interesting final note is that Eriika insisted I go overdue a week from my original due date, October 3rd so B would be born on 10/10/10 because it would be so cool. Given my state, I told her that was the meanest thing anyone had ever said to me, and broke the news to her that I was going a week early, not a week late.

Well, Eriika really did think that date was cool and significant because she passed away on 10/10/10.

Eriika--we love you and miss you. See you on the flip side.


Unknown said...

What a nice tribute to your sister! I was thinking about the date yesterday after hearing the news. Eriika was the perfect 10. Glad that she could stay around until Blakely arrived safely and you were well on the path of recovery.

Please know you have lots of other "sisters" here. Love ya!

Toria said...

wow Kaari. you are amazing and inspiring and have me in tears. These blogs are amazing because I feel like I know you better than I ever did when we lived in California. I also knew what a special bond you have with your sister through your stories. This post is beautiful. My thoughts and prayers will be with you and your family.
little Blakely is beautiful!

Kara said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. What you said about her was absolutely beautiful. She really must have been an amazing woman.

LJ, DC and ML said...

Oh Bestie, I'm so sorry. What a crazy stressful time, both events on their own would be life-changing. Both together, so bitter-sweet. What a beautiful tribute though. And how sweet to know little Blakely's got a guardian angel who loves her *almost* as muc as her own mama does. My grandfather died when I was in 5th grade and I have always thought of him and now others as my own guardian angel. Blakely will feel a special bond to your sister.

Ashley said...

This post was absolutlely perfect. It certainly seems like there were lots of little (and not-so-little) miracles in the timing of these events, including your most recent trip for the shower and the good times you and Eriika got to spend together then. I can certainly believe that she was a fighter (because I know you!) and a sweet and devoted sister and aunt (because I know you, again). I love that B gets her as her gaurdian angel--that makes me cry. I also love what Sharla said--you do have lots of sisters here and we love you!!!

Hayley said...

What a great post KJ. So sad. I never met Eriika but I feel like I know her based on the awesome stories I've heard. & I have a sneaky suspicion that the 2 of you were as crazy (possibly crazier) than me & my sistas. So hard to lose that. But to reiterate, you know you've got some life-long sisters here with you now.
What an honor for Mini to have her as an auntie.
love you lots!

Elizabeth said...

I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. I hope that your memories help you in times of missing her.

The Gilberts said...

Beautifully said! She really is a guardian angel. Such a lovely sentiment-- her memory will live on.

Our thoughts are with you and your family.

Lindsey said...

I couldn't keep a dry eye! Sisters are the best and it's wonderful that we get to enjoy those relationships forever. I agree with Ashley, through the whole post I kept thinking, wow, what great timing. I love little tender mercies like that.

brooke said...

This brought tears to my eyes too because I remembered that awesome birthday post you did for her not too long ago and your relationship with her reminded me of me and Ashley.

I'm so sorry that she is no longer here. She is way too young to die. But she will be Blakely's guardian angel and I'm so glad you got to see her not too long ago and enjoy those old movies.

I hope you are doing okay and taking care of yourself. I will be praying for you.

Inger Rae said...

What a beautiful post. I know from our conversations that you are close with your sister. Know that Team Tinger is thinking of you during this time.

Kristine Gray said...

When God sent down little Blakely to you he realized he was one angel short. So Eriika went back to God's presence to fill that void.

We love you!

Dayna said...

I was friends with Eriika while I lived in Denver. I heard the news and am so very sorry for your loss. Your post made me cry as she was an angel to me while here and is now an angel above to your beautiful baby now. To me, she will always be that happy, tall, thin blond in her mid 20s, when I knew her best. Love you you, your family, and always to Eriika! I miss her so.

Natalie said...

We are so sorry to hear about Eriika. My husband Alan and I worked with Eriika here in Denver. My kids will always remember her spinning them in the chairs in the lobby and giving them countless m&m's! She will be greatly missed.
Natalie Buckingham

Alan said...

I am at a loss........ :(

I worked with Eriika in CO many years ago. I remember the highlight of her job was planning our company Christmas party. Every single year, without fail, she put together a spectacular event that everyone talked about until it came time for the next year's party.

Outside of work she treated my kids as if they were her own. My daughter still has an outfit that Eriika bought for her all those years ago and keeps it as "her favorite".

My son, with a smile on his face, still remembers her spinning him around and around in the office lobby chairs until he became so dizzy he couldn't stand up.

Reading your tribute to her and all the comments, it does not surprise me that she touched everyone she came in contact with, including me and my family.

She will be missed.

Lindsay said...

Oh, Kaari - I am so sorry to hear this news. My thoughts and prayers are with you!