Saturday, October 23, 2010

I Used to be Fun...

...and then I had a baby. It's hard to be funny, witty or wry when you aren't getting more than 3 hours of sleep at a time.

Here I am sleeping with B. I always look this hot when I sleep. Yes, this is from the newborn baby shoot. I will do a post with the pictures when I have enough time to eat and shower. Don't hold your breath, readers.

Here are my current thoughts:

1. I apologize to Denise Richards.

Why, you ask? Because I once made fun of the fact that she gave up breastfeeding because "it was too hard." I am eating crow, and it doesn't taste very good. I expected things to just go smoothly in that department. But, no. I am prolactin challenged, and after trying herbs, tea, acupuncture, 2 hour intervals with pumping, prescription meds....I finally came to terms with the fact that I will always have to supplement with formula. It is what it is. Somewhere I just heard the Similac Execs squeal with joy and delight.

2. I have new-found respect for Michelle Duggar. Not her fuggy pioneer hair, just her ability to deal with all of her kids.

3. I have high social needs. Please stop by and visit. Please, I'm begging you.

4. But only if you DON'T HAVE WHOOPING COUGH. Why are we in the middle of a whooping cough epidemic? It's so 1950's. What's a new mom got to do to get a little bird or swine flu around here?

5. Is it just me, or is my baby flipping the Westside in this picture?? My baby is a straight up gangtsa. Thug 4 life.

Tupac, showing us how it's done!

That's all I can muster up. I'm now going to pass out. Please think back to the days when I was fun. I promise my fun-ness is still around, but it may take a few months to find it. Until then!


Kristina said...

too funny. it's amazing how often i have had to eat crow as a mom too :)

next time we are down hopefully we can swing by to meet mini. i promise andrew doesn't have the whopping cough

Ashley said...

Ha ha, what are you talking about, this is hilarious stuff! I love the Denise Richards bit. And Michelle Duggar--I am always in awe that she is not yelling ALL. THE. TIME. She is the world's calmest woman. You are gorgeous in that shot! And keep the posts coming because sometimes I swear sleep-deprived, frustrated post-partum posts are the best kind of posts! WORD. (That was for shorty.)

Unknown said...

You're still fun....otherwise, I wouldn't still come over to visit you.

Sara said...

Your picture is gorgeous.

Stephanie said...

Nursing was a nightmare for me when I had Scotty. Totally, totally, totally, give her some formula and give yourself a break. I love the picture of you guys at the top.

Elizabeth said...

Yeah you might have to get use to the taste of crow ;-)
Your Babe is gorgeous and don't worry the fun comes back.

Lindsey said...

First off, I would totally come visit you if I were anything less than 3000 miles away!
Next, good for you for saving the ta-ta's and going to formula. she'll live. those ta-ta's may not have.
Lastly, I still think you are funny, annd likely fun...I just don't get to experince that anymore :(

brooke said...

Welcome to my world girl. I thought this was hilarious though. Michelle Duggar should be taken out and shot just for her hair.

The picture of you and Mini is gorgeous. I can't even look at the photos of my and Buster because of my double chin.

As for the nursing--huge difference between giving up because it was "too hard" and giving up because you don't have milk. Though, I wouldn't judge you either way. I think there is way too much judgement going on out there over breastfeeding. Motherhood is hard enough--we all just do the best we can! Thank goodness for Similac!

Lance said...

I still think you are wonderful and funny. I need to get back; I miss my girls!

Life's a Dance said...

Love your picture sleeping with the baby! So sweet! And breastfeeding...everything always seems easier before you have kids. I'm sorry it didn't work out - I know that can be disappointing!