Monday, April 23, 2012

Dreams Really Do Come True

Remember how I mused that my dream job was as a Water Aerobics Instructor? How I was going to revolutionize the whole aqua exercise genre with my ghetto jams and outgoing personality?

It turns out that dream may be coming true. My local YMCA is hiring an "Aqua Fitness Instructor." I'm totally going to apply, though it seems my only qualifications are that I'm 18 or older (but just barely at age, um, 24....). I'm hoping they're desperate, and that my enthusiasm for aqua exercise wins me favor. Personality has to count for a lot, right? It takes a special lady to convince people to squeeze into a swimsuit, hop into a pool, and then sweat it out to semi-synchronized dance moves. That special lady is me.

I'm thinking of just taking the normal class and then--haha--telling them I heard they're hiring, and that they should just hire me--haha! Then I will just stare at them while they awkwardly try to digest my nervous laughter and pushy suggestion to hire me on the spot.

Bring on the water noodles!


Ashley said...

I am 100% behind this!

Greg said...

Kaari, I think you're totally selling yourself short. You're biggest problem is that you're probably way overqualified for the position! They'd be lucky to get you on their staff.

Angela said...

I have been teaching aerobics for 10 years- just taught a water class this morning, and that is exactly how I got my job- Are you going to certify? Hence, I have been going to a great gym for 10 years free because of that little niche job, plus I love the interaction. You would be great....I actually don't look at like Greg does...yes, you are probably overqualified if this was your desire for full time work...obviously, I look at it totally different....just a way to burn some energy and have some fun- I hope you do it!

teuscher travels said...

I would come just for your playlists! They should totally snatch you up!

Heather said...

I would totally come to a water aerobics class if you were teaching it...

brooke said...

I wish I lived in Sunnyvale. You would be perfect!

Hayley said...

Yes! Do it! You're the gal for the job! I'll lend you my Celine, Taylor hicks (thank you), & David Archie (obviously) tunes. The senior citz will love it!