Sunday, April 1, 2012

Never Say Never

And no, this post ain't about The Biebs.

Let me be clear. I HATE minivans. I have mocked my friends who have purchased minivans over the years.

And then I had a kid. A kid who likes to play with lots of outdoor toys. These toys are quite bulky in nature, and demand to be strapped to the roof. Worse case scenario, we have to take them completely apart, which leads to missing bolts, etc. More on that later.

My $5 garage sale find

Then it became apparent that carpooling is also an issue with a sedan like my fine Honda Accord. We can never pick up and go anywhere with our friends, because once the two carseats are in, there's nowhere for bikes, strollers, gear. So we have to drive long distances in 2 separate cars, burning through gas.

Fast forward to this week. Our neighbor came back from Taiwan for the week to settle some financial things with the house. He and his wife divorced, and they moved back to Taiwan, renting their house to co-workers who we never see, and may not actually live there.

Lancer went over and started chatting about the landscaping on our property line when our neighbor asked if we knew anyone that wanted to buy their minivan.

But then we started talking about it. It has the highly coveted tv screens, aisle down the middle, room for bikes, jogging strollers, etc. The thought still grossed me out--I have long been a vocal anti-mini proponent--but then I realized that it would also be great for parties. I could carry tubs, bins, punch bowls, decorations, costumes, etc without 8 million trips.

And so.....we gave in. It was practically free because he's leaving the country again. We knew their family for years, and they were clean and responsible. We are now the not-so-proud owners of a 2008 Chrystler Town and Country Minivan. I kind of want to drive it off a cliff, but then I think about loading Beezie's friends in for a trip to Super Franks, and I realize it's not the end of the world.

Ta-da. Note my enthusiasm.

I wish it were black, but I can deal. Maybe I can use the spray paint I got for B's toys to paint it black. Speaking of the toys, I wish the house were assembled, but we're missing bolts from when we had to take it apart, and take it home in 5000 pieces. We're missing one stupid bolt that holds the door in, so it's not done quite yet. Almost.

Go ahead. Make fun of me. Mock away. I gave in during a moment of weakness, and now there's no going back.

This is also *not* a baby announcement. This was solely for carpooling/bulky item transport, since I'm known to be a Craigslist and garage sale ninja!

April Fools!!! Minivans are totally gross.


Ashley said...

I smelled April Fools paragraphs ago. But really, the joke's on you Sister! Keep driving alone with plastic strapped on top!

louisgray said...

Lamesauce. What is our minivan doing on your blog!

Em said...


I didn't see it coming like Ashley did and was going to tell you good luck with that ugly minivan. It would have been in vain. Luckily.

teuscher travels said...

Ok, I emailed you so not to ruin the joke, but then when I saw the comments I saw you actually wrote April fools! This is the problem of doing anything at 3 am.

Meghan said...

Aw! And here I was gleefully thinking you had joined us on the other side! Silly me.

Lance said...

Good one! Let's hope it remains a joke.

brooke said...

When I read this I was so glad you finally came to your senses and realized the advantages of the mini. Someday you will cave and you will have to do this post for real. Until then, you can secretly envy mine. (it's black.)

Greg said...

Kaari, sorry to say that I'm with AC on this one. The joke is on you!

But until you wise up, I hope you keep a bunch of twine in your car to tie down all those ugly garage sale "finds."

Oh and you probably will want to keep an old blanket in your car to put under all the crap you carry on the roof so that you don't scratch the finish!

Hayley said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I knew it wasn't true. For a sec you had me, but then I thought "there's no way!"
nice garden find for B!
oh yeah, and Landcruiser for Sale!

Kristine Gray said...

You mock the Swagger Wagon but just wait until Beezie wants to ride with us and watch her Yo Gabba Gabba and we'll make you drive the Honda.

Molly said...

Ha! Too funny. Although I have to admit that after we drove Tyler and Ashley's minivan home from Tahoe (with both boys, all our luggage, two huge old pack'n'plays, a jogging stroller, two mountain bikes, and a bike trailer all thrown into the back without even having to play "tetris packing") we were pretty much sold. We still don't like the idea, but it really was sooooo convenient.

katie said...

Posts like this are the reason I love reading your blog.

The Gilberts said...

I was just saying.... "no way! she sounded so sure against them a few weeks back...." Glad my no way was justified-- I'm sure you will find your vehicle solution when necessary. Personally I needed a car that doesn't scratch the bottom of every driveway, speed bump and uneven road, not to mention those handy parking lot cement blocks... I needed the extra height, even if I traded in seat belt options in the bargain.