Thursday, April 28, 2011

So Long, Glee!

Glee has jumped the shark. Last night's episode was unbearable. UNBEARABLE!! In fact, this whole season has completely sucked. Let me break it down for you.

1. Worst couples ever. Quinn and (yawn) Finn. Santana is a closeted lesbian, desperately in love with Britney? Hot Britney is dating wheelchair-bound ugly nerd Artie? Puck and the chunky chick? Will mercy kissing The Beast? Kurt and Blaine? Really? We're supposed to believe that these people would actually date in high school? Not to mention the fact that *none* of them have any legitimate chemistry, and are about as believable as the Fonz jumping over a shark in what appears to be a lake.

2. Holly Holliday. WORST. CHARACTER. EVER. Did she even read the script, or was she just so desperate to launch her singing career that she overlooked the stupidity of her character?

3. Sue. Gee, I wonder if she's cooking up some sort of scheme to ruin the Glee Club. She used to be hilarious and unpredictable. Now she's a stale one-trick pony.

4. Will. Gee, I wonder if he's going to give Sue the benefit of the doubt...only to be tricked by one of her schemes. Again!

5. Emma. Could she be a more one-dimensional character? Prim, uptight, and OCD. Where's the appeal, people. Last season she was innocent and endearing. This season, she's a grating and pesky eternal Peter Pan unwilling to grow up.

6. Kurt. I cannot stand his stupid faces, crappy songs, and misunderstood angst. Plus, horrible clothing, and he always looks like he's in pain.

7. Rachel. Whiny, insecure, under appreciated, and always demanding to be the star. Week, after week, after week...

8. The Music. The earlier episodes were musical goldmines, full of forgotten gems and unexpected ditties. Now they all suck.

9. Loosey-Goosey plotlines. Where are they taking the show? Why does it seem like the writers are drunk? Am I the only one who is lost?

10. The nonstop Asian jokes between Tina and Mike. What?? 2 Asians dating? That's just crazy!

Who's with me?


teuscher travels said...

Completely agree. I havent even watched the last few and used to never miss them. It is like they all lost their fabulous - what happened to Kurt's confidence and style? And Rachel's drive? Now they are both just sad and whiny. Not to mention I totally disapprove of some of the content - I am fine with risque but at least be consistent and dont start off uplifting and then switch it to all this weirdness (don't even get me started on the sex hugging but wetter?? who comes up with this? and then greenlights it?) I would be willing to overlook everything if the songs were still there - but you are right again, they had a few gems and now it feels like they are just trying to sell to itunes. Such a bummer, it was one of my favorite shows. Glad I am not the only one disappointed.

Stephanie said...

I took Glee off my DVR setting at the end of last season. I totally agree with you- another one bites the dust!

Kelli said...

I also agree, it's gotten very lame. I haven't watched the last few episodes, and will most likely just delete them from the DVR. The stories are lame, and there's just no reason to watch any more. Makes me sad, I did like the show.

Ashley said...

I'm surpised you watched this long. It's been dead to me for awhile. Can't stand their blatant agenda pushing.

brooke said...

I am so with you. I quit watching early this season for all the reasons you mentioned.

Amen Amen Amen. And I love the Fonz jumping the shark reference. Grey's Anatomy did that a few years ago.

Sad when our favorite shows have to go. On the other hand, are you watching Swamp People? Brilliant.

Em said...

I started reading your blog a while back thanks to Ashley and am finally getting the courage to de-lurk myself. Love your blog. You seem like such a fun person!

You are so right about Glee! Yet Glee is a train wreck that I can't escape. I am desperate for Mercedes to get a man--and not a tater tot, thank you very much--and I want that man to be a white one. Let's see a multi-racial couple if they're so into representing everyone.

Em said...

P.S. I laughed out loud about your comment about Kurt. He's become such a holier-and wiser-than-thou character...and his facial features truly scare my husband.

The Gilberts said...

Ditto with Ashley... I've never gotten into Glee, although I love great music-- I also don't like the facade of a family-friendly type show when it really doesn't represent anything real families are about. Good luck on your quest for a new fab show!

Lindsey said...


Not to mention every episode is excusing horrible teenage behavior. It's just bad. We've been done for a few months now too.