Thursday, April 14, 2011

Life Lessons by Beezie

Life lesson number one: Skip the pricey junk, and just go for the plain box. It's a sure hit.

Life lesson number two:
nudity is awesome, and underrated. It's especially great when you can get nekkid all by yourself.

Life lesson number three: If you want something done right, do it yourself.

Life lesson number four:
Old toys are more fun than new ones. B loves the same toys I loved when I was little. In 2009, Fisher Price made all my toy dreams come true when they issued reproductions of their beloved vintage toys.

We're building up our little retro collection, and so far these are her favorites:

She LOVES the stacking rings. She could play with them all day. I lost track of how many times I have stacked and re-stacked these puppies. When I was at the gym the other day, I came back to the nursery expecting Blake to jump with joy. Instead, she had a fixed gaze complete with crazy eyes. I turned to see what she was looking at, and it was a little boy playing with the stacking rings. I sense a future toy bully on my hands. Watch out, boys! Girlfriend has the pudge and determination on her side.

I also snatched up these vintage goodies on Ebay, and both auctions were under $5. It's a bargain!

And that concludes this episode of Life Lessons by Beezie. If you have a hankering for the nostalgia of your childhood, come on over to play with our retro finds! We're (not) happy to share!


Anonymous said...

We still have the original phone my older sister got in '64 and my 2 year old loves it. We also have the wind up music clock and the popper all pictured in your pose. What I miss is the plastic record player. I wonder if that's around...
Being nekkid is the way to be, Beezie!

Lance said...

Our lil angel!